WCA September 2011
8 IEC Standard IEC 61034-2:2005 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions – Part 2: Test procedure and requirements 9 Gibbons, J, Stevens, G, “Limiting the corrosion hazard from electrical cables involved in fires” Fire Safety Journal 15 p183-190, 1989 10 Telecom Australia, Design standards Branch, HQ Fire loss report, 1987 11 Stevens, G, “The appraisal and significance of acidic gas emissions from burning electric cable materials,” 5 th BEAMA International Electrical Insulation Conference, Brighton 1986 12 Journeaux, T, “The development and manufacture of Sizewell B cables,” Proceedings IEE International Conference on control aspects of the Sizewell B PWR, p74-79 London 1992 13 Hull, T, Stec, A, Paul, K, “Hydrogen Chloride in Fires,” IAFSS 9 th International symposium, Karlsruhe 2008 14 Hertzberg, T, Blomqvist, P, Lastbom, L, “Influence of HCl and PVC-smoke on isolated and perfused guinea pig lungs,” SP Fire Technology Report 57, 2006 15 Journeaux, T, “Development in regulatory classification methods that will affect the European cable industry and its suppliers,” Flame Retardants 2008, Interscience Communications Ltd, London 16 Draft prEN 50399 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions – Heat release and smoke production measurement on cables during flame spread test – Test apparatus, procedures, results, CLC TC20/Sec1577/INF June 2008 17 European Commission, Mandate to CEN and CENELEC concerning the execution of standardisation work for harmonised standards on power, control and communication cables M/443, Brussels, 18 th May 2009 18 Johansson, P, Blomquist, P, Sundstrom, B, “Feasibility study of supplementary FTIR measurements in tests with electric cables according to Commission Decision 2006/751/EC, FIPEC20Scen1 (prEN50399),” Safety during fire, Europacable, Brussels 2009 19 Messa, S, “Investigation into the smoke effluents of burning cables,” Safety during fire, Europacable, Brussels 2009 20 Van Hees, P, Nilsson, D, “Simulation of critical evacuation conditions for fire scenario involving cables and comparison of different cables,” Safety during fire, Europacable, Brussels 2009
Prysmian Cables & Systems Ltd – UK Email : cables.marketing.uk@prysmian.com Fax : +44 238 0295 335 Website : www.prysmian.com
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