WCA September 2011
wire Southeast Asia 2011
produce with better quality, but also to save money by using the minimum of necessary materials. The reduction of downtime on the extrusion lines gives additional advantages to the producer. Plasticolor mixing stations are used especially in high quality production of cross-linked insulations or in production with foamed layers. The exact dosing of each component and the perfect mixture of the materials helps the screw of the extruder to homogenise the melt. This will result in a better product quality and reduction in consumption of expensive materials such as catalysts or foaming agents.
Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp Stand K01
Wire & Plastic Machinery is a leading dealer of second-hand wire, cable, and optical fibre equipment. The company will showcase pictures, video, and an interactive presentation of its extensive inventory offering. Stand visitors will have access to a web-enabled station to search in- stock machines and receive detailed specifications and pictures. Founded in 1981, WPMC has eight warehouse facilities and two reconditioning centres in the United States, and offers thousands of machines for immediate delivery and purchases single machines, complete lines and entire manufacturing facilities. Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp – USA Fax : +1 860 589 5707 Email : info@wireandplastic.com Website : www.wireandplastic.com
❍ Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Scanner of the UMAC ® Z series and typical screen of a multilayer product New ultrasonic scanners of the novel UMAC ® Z series for wall thickness measurement with quick and easy adaptation to cable diameters and space-saving integration. Capacitance measuring systems CAPAC ® with ultra short measuring tubes, 3-axis lump and neckdown detectors KW TRIO. Data acquisition, processing and display units (processors) : Full new line of USYS processors, ranging from a low-cost basic model USYS 20 up to the high-end multi-sensor processor/ controller USYS 8100. All USYS processors are extremely user-friendly, safe, stable and flexible for extension and upgrading. Complete measuring and control systems : New systems for full pro- cess monitoring and control will be shown, such as the new Rayex ® line of Zumbach’s X-ray wall thickness eccentricity systems for CV lines. The main new features are: • very economic pricing • advanced software for easy operation and powerful control functions and data acquisition Wallmaster wall thickness and eccentricity measuring and control systems for cable jackets and Diacal option for fully automatic calibration and control. Cellmaster ® , Jacketmaster and Multiline systems for extrusion and wire drawing. ZumbachElectronicAG–Switzerland Fax : +41 32 356 0430 Email : sales@zumbach.ch Website : www.zumbach.com
Woywod Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH & Co – Germany Fax : +49 89 854 1336 Email : woywod@plasticolor.de Website : www.plasticolor.de
Zumbach Electronic AG Stand H11
Woywod Kunststoffmaschinen German pavilion
Zumbach will again present many new developments and products. The following is a summary of the most important ones: Sensors : The advanced ODEX ® 10 concentricity and diameter gauge for wire extrusion. Extremely accurate and advanced, insensitive to environmental conditions. Fully non-contact, based on magnetic and laser technology and a large 3-axis laser diameter gauge ODAC 63TRIO with incorporated fault detection.
The Plasticolor product range of dosing units, mixing stations and hopper loaders will be shown at the German pavilion. The range, manufactured by Woywod Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH, is known for precision, economical advantages and durability. The precise dosing of each component can help cable manufacturers to
wire Southeast Asia – BITEC, Bangkok 13 th -15 th September 2011 102
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