WCA September 2009
Back to Bangkok...
Photo credit: www.bigstockphoto.com ‘Arun Temple’ Photographer – Macky-ch (Marcel Braendli)
M esse Düsseldorf Asia’s regional biennial wire and cable trade fair will be back in Bangkok in October 2009. Held concurrently with Tube Southeast ASIA, wire Southeast ASIA is aimed to provide access and contacts for companies looking to penetrate into the Thai, Indochina and neighbouring markets. The show has attracted worldwide support and is sponsored by the International Wire & Machinery Association (IWMA), the International Wire & Cable Exhibitors Association (IWCEA), Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association (ACIMAF), Austrian Wire and Cable Machinery Manufacturers Association (VÖDKM – AWCMA), International Wire and Cable Exhibitors Association – France (IWCEA – France), the German Wire and Cable Manufacturers Association (VDKM) and the Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA).
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