WCA September 2009
Company takeover news
It was with deep regret that the IWMA recently announced the death of Michael (Mike) Murphy. Rea Industrial Handling Ltd, for whom Mike worked for many years, was a member of the International Wire Machinery Association and in 1980 Mike was appointed as its representative to the Executive Committee. He remained in this capacity until 1994. Michael (Mike) Murphy
Exclusive production rights for Wardwell Europe GmbH, and therefore also for the Spirka and Schnellflechter brands, are now held by Spirka- Schnellflechter GmbH. Spirka-Schnellflechter GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 30 549918 45 Email : info@spirka-schnellflechter.com Website : www.spirka-schnellflechter.com
With effect from 1 st July 2009, SKET Verseilmaschinenbau GmbH will be taking over production of braiding and spiralling machines from Wardwell Europe GmbH (formerly Spirka and Schnellflechter Berlin). Production of the traditional brands will continue in Berlin in the newly established Spirka- Schnellflechter GmbH, which will also take over all orders received by Wardwell Europe GmbH up to the takeover date and will fulfill these with the agreed terms.
Michael (Mike) Murphy m m
During his term of office Mike was appointed to the Technical Papers Award Team, where his technical experience was invaluable in the selection of the technically most important paper presented at IWMA conference in that particular year. In 1993, as a result of the merger of Rea Industrial Handling Ltd with Johnson Technology Ltd, Mike transferred his technical skills to Johnson’s where he was appointed technical manager, taking on the responsibilities of machine design and development, and technical sales duties. He travelled exten- sively throughout South East Asia and Australasian areas as well as the UK and Ireland. Unfortunately Mike had been ill for a long time, but even so he could always be relied upon to provide a funny story and to act in a jocular manner. He will be sorely missed by his family and his colleagues in our industry.
IWMA – UK Website : www.iwma.org
Wire & Cable ASIA – September/October 2009
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