WCA September 2008
wire China 2008
Centran exports to over 35 countries.
Less fumes and odour during • sintering process Minimal staining of machinery and • surroundings End product surface smoother and • glossier been formulated in compliance with the European Directive 2002/95/EC “Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances” (RoHS). Colorant pigment Chromatics’ dispersed products have
The Chengdu Centran stand m m
stability Better
consistency Thin fluid dispersions with light • thixothropic character Minimal settling; very easy to • homogenise with mild mixing No pigment re-agglomeration • Easily dispersed – spreads • uniformly into PTFE powder
m m
Centran工业有限公司,是电线电缆原 材料的主要供应商,以及中国一家最大 的阻水带、水胀纱线、聚脂纱线、标记 胶带、PET胶带和PP扎带的生产商之 一。
Centran 在成都有两家工厂,在无锡有 一家,总产能达到2,500公吨。
该公司非常重视质量和顾客满意度,通 过了ISO9002质量体系认证;已成为国 际市场上高质量产品的主要供应商。
Centran产品出口到世界上35多个国 家。
Chengdu Centran Industrial Co Ltd – China/ 中国 Fax/ 传真 : +86 8545 1463 Email/ 电子邮件 : market@china-centran.com Website/ 网址 : www.china-centran.com
Colorant Chromatics Trading Shanghai.................W1 D10
PTFE is used in wire insulation and jacketing applications, film and tube production where the following properties are required: high temperature stability, chemical resistance, electrical properties at thin gauges, non-flammable, UV inert and low adhesion. In order to be compliant with RoHS and REACH directives and to solve some of the inherent problems with dispersed pigments for PTFE, Colorant Chromatics has introduced a new range of dispersed pigments for the colouration of PTFE fine powder. This new range of naphtha-based dispersed pigments is formulated with heavy metal free pigments and is believed to offer a number
wire China 2008 – Shanghai International Expo Centre 23 rd -26 th September 2008
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