WCA September 2008
wire China 2008
MMH多线拉丝机可以加工8 -4 2条铜线, 还有大量的具体应用形式。该机械所加 工的成品线的直径范围为:0 . 0 5毫 米-1.35毫米。 除 了 用 于 铜 线 的 多 线 拉 丝 设 备 之 外,Niehoff还提供8线和6线拉丝机 械,以及相应的用于铝线或铝合金线的 持续退火设备。 展出的D631节距束线机,可以使用最大 直径为630毫米的线盘,设计用于生产 截面范围为0.09至6.00平方毫米的线 束,节距能在6至100毫米范围内任意调 整,速度最高能达到6500扭/分钟。 通过测压元件在张紧限度内在整个线盘 收线中调节和控制收线张力。由于线盘 上收线非常好,因此即便是以非常高的 速度放线时也不会打结和产生线的损 伤。 Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – Germany/ 德国 Fax/ 传真 : +49 9122 977 155 Email/ 电子邮件 : info@niehoff.de Website/ 网址 : www.niehoff.de Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – Shanghai Representative Office Fax/ 传真 : +86 21 6390 6192 Email/ 电子邮件 : info@niehoff.cn
drawing machines with corresponding continuous annealers for aluminium and aluminium alloy wires. The D631 double twist bunching machine on display accommodates spools with a maximum flange diameter of 630mm. It is designed for strands with a diameter of 0.09 to 6mm²; the lay length can be freely adjusted from 6 to 100mm with a maximum of 6,500 twists per minute. The winding force is adjustable and controlled within tight limits across the entire spool filling by means of a load cell. As the spools are filled evenly, the strands can be paid off tangle-free and without wire damage, even at very high speeds. 国际线缆行业设备制造领先的厂商,德 国尼霍夫机器制造有限公司及其上海代 表处,将在展台W1D53上展示MMH101 / RM141多线拉线生产线和带有ARH双盘放 线架的D631高速束线机。 所展示的16头 MMH101拉线机 和电阻 式连续退火装置RM141已被优化用于生 产单线直径最小至0.10毫米的多根小线 线束。这些高质量的导线在整个长度上 都有均匀的性能且在导电率、表面质量 和机械性能上均能超过最严格的技术规 范和工艺要求。
Numalliance...........................W1G15 The robust Robomac 213NG (handling up to 13mm wire diameter) will be exhibited at wire China in its New Generation version, with its latest technological developments of touch screen, new controlling software and increased speed. The success of the Robomac CNC series is based on the flexibility of the three separate heads concept, not only allowing multi radii, but also offset bendings and use of complementary and different tools on the same wire part. Robomac from Numalliance is a popular machine among automotive equipment manufacturers – in particular the producers of exhaust brackets – and supermarket trolley manufacturers. Existing machines in production in China indicate that the Robomac is a machine well suited to the requirements of the Chinese market regarding reliability, precision and ease of programming. 坚固耐用的新一代具有最新式触摸式屏 幕、新的控制软件以及更高速度的 Robomac 213NG 设备(加工直径达13毫 米的线材),将在中国线缆展上展 出。Robomac CNC系列产品的成功是以3
wire China 2008 – Shanghai International Expo Centre 23 rd -26 th September 2008
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