WCA September 2008
wire China 2008
漆包线(使表面坚硬光滑)模具/线材/ 棒条/销/针/管),进行高端的完整的 三维测量 Conoptica AS – Norway/ 挪威 Fax/ 传真 : +47 7283 1435 Email/ 电子邮件 : conoptica@conoptica.com Website/ 网站 : www.conoptica.com Mesure Systemes (CMS) supplies a full range of eddy current inspection systems for the wire and cable sector. The CMS range of Zet@Master, Zet@premium and the Zet@Micro meets quality standards including API, ASTM, DIN and can be used on-line and off-line for all test tasks, for even the most complicated applications. One of the smallest instruments on the market, Zet@Master features include: multi-channels, multi-frequencies, fre- quency range from 10Hz to 10MHz, supervision system, which allows control of all peripheral devices, sorting management and reporting. Reports list defect location, type, number of good and bad parts and different rates virtually unlimited number of parameter sets, remote control via internet offering the possibility to supervise or to support from anywhere in the world. 制造商Controle Mesure Systemes公司 (CMS)为电线电缆行业提供各种涡流 检测系统。CMS公司的系列产品Zet@ Master、 Zet@premium 和Zet@Micro, 满足包括 API、ASTM、DIN在内的质量 标准,可用于各种复杂程度的在线和离 线测试任务。 Zet@Master,作为市场上最小的该种设 备之一,具有以下特点:多频道、多频 率(频率范围:10 Hz-10MHz),另外 还有对所有外围设备进行控制、处理管 理和汇报信息的检测系统。报告列举缺 损的位置、类型、优质和劣质零件的数 量、不同的速率(实际上是无限多个参 数组合);可以通过因特网进行遥控, 从而使从世界的任何角落进行检测和提 供帮助成为可能。 拥有这样的一套仪器以及完整的辅助设 备,用户就可以找到用于任何的探伤、 物料分类、硬度或表面处理检查的解决 方案,而性价比率高。 Controle Mesure Systemes – France/ 法国 Fax/ 传真 : +33 3 85 94 14 15 Email/ 电子邮件 : contactcms@cmseddyscan.com Website/ 网址 : www.cmseddyscan.com Controle Mesure Systemes....W4B76 Manufacturer Controle
for the automotive tyre industry. The company also produces take-up and pay-off equipment and wire rope twisting machines. The second important business field for CPA is the development and implementation of process and building automation systems, manufacturing execution systems, programmable controllers and other automated solutions for the wire industry.
CPA Wire Technologies....... W1C55 CPA was founded in 1977 and is currently a member of the board of the Rubber Carcass Materials Committee of the China Rubber Industry Association. One of its most important business fields is the engineering and production of plants for the galvanic plating of wires and bands serving, amongst others, the production of steel cord
wire China 2008 – Shanghai International Expo Centre 23 rd -26 th September 2008
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