WCA November 2012
Industry news
Bar mill deal is done
New beam furnace for India Tenova LOI Italimpianti and Tenova Hypertherm have signed a contract with BMM Ispat Ltd for a 160t/h walking beam furnace. BMM Ispat, located at Hospet, in the state of Karnataka, South India, is setting up a 850,000tpa merchant bar mill with all upstream facilities such as blast furnace, coke oven batteries, steel melting shop, and continuous caster as part of its 2 million tonnes per year steel plant, which will integrate an existing operational plant producing sponge iron, pellets, TMT bars and power. Siemens VAI will supply the rolling mills. BMM Ispat chose Tenova as furnace supplier due to its technical references and performance of the furnaces supplied for similar applications in India. The main feature of the new furnace is the use of low calorific value maximising the use of blast furnace gas. The combustion system of the new furnace will be fuel flexible, allowing use of 100% HFO, fuel mix of BFG and HFO as well as mixed gas in the future. With this contract, Tenova LOI Italimpianti and Tenova Hypertherm have further strengthened their presence in the Indian market. Tenova LOI Italimpianti – Italy Website : www.tenovagroup.com
Nanjing Iron and Steel Co signed a contract with the German company Friedrich Kocks for the supply and the commissioning of a three-roll reducing and sizing block 370/4 in heavy-duty design [RSB++] for a new SBQ bar mill. NISCO is part of the Nanjing Iron and Steel Union Company Limited with its headquarters in Nanjing and is listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange. It has approximately 11,400 employees and operates blast furnaces and rolling mills, and had a production of 6.8m tons in 2011. After completion the new rolling mill will produce 800,000t/a of first class SBQ-bar within the range of 16-80mm diameter. Downstream the roughing and intermediate mill, consisting of 20 stands, the four stand 370mm reducing and sizing block will produce all finished dimensions in coils and in straight lengths onto the cooling bed. The three-roll RSB design also enables controlled rolling at low temperatures within the range of up to 60mm diameter. The heavy duty RSB allows rolling out of only one pass series from the roughing and intermediate mill and significantly reduces the number of required feeders. Any required finished dimension of the complete dimensional range can be produced in any desired sequence with a minimum number of roll sets and just a few stand changes. The optimum adjustment values for motor speed, rolls and guides as well as gear steps are calculated by the bar mill configuration system Bamicon in relation to the final product. Besides the reducing and sizing block with the automatic quick stand changing system the scope of supply comprises the bar mill configuration program Bamicon, and the remote-controlled adjustment of pass and guides of the three-roll stands in the mill line as well as the roll shop with quick roll change and Capas, the computer aided system for accurate adjustment of rolls and guides in the stands. The supervision of erection, commissioning and the training of customer personnel complete the contract package.
Delivery is expected for the third quarter of 2013.
Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG – Germany Website : www.kocks.de
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2012
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