WCA November 2011
Technology news
CEMSA has recently launched onto the market a new family of multi-head resistance welding machines named “GRG – MPS”. This new series is dedicated to the welding of stainless steel or carbon steel wire panels, both basic and special ones, like those used as shelves in supermarkets. The panels accepted by the machine can be composed by long and cross wires of different diameters as well as by cross wires wires on longitudinal bearing bars. The machine can operate by a shuttle tooling, either along the length-wise axis (parallel to the multi-heads) and/or along a 90° axis, perpendicular to the front, like in integrated systems. A similar machine can be offered equipped with a pallets re-circulation shuttle, with automatic loading and unloading, as well as with automatic wires feeder (hopper). Heads can be 4, 6, 8, 10, or even 12 and 16, each fed by an AC transformer, or with two AC transformers, working in parallel and located besides the heads. This last arrangement is convenient for medium productions, where the mechanical cascade is within an acceptable time frame. 45-60 kVA is the rating of the transformers fit to each head, whilst 250 kVA is the suggested rated power of the two transformers working in parallel. Therefore, depending upon the production needs, it is possible to choose the most suitable arrangement (all-together, electrical cascade, mechanical cascade). A more advanced alternative is the version with the medium frequency (1,000 Hz) power package which is recommended wherever the energy consumption is an issue. The control systems can be provided strictly in accordance with the production needs to be effective either for simple local management, up to fully integrated production lines. ❍ ❍ New series recently launched onto the market One of the new machines from CEMSA
CEMSA SpA – Italy Email : info@cemsa.it
Fax : +39 022 533 307 Website : www.cemsa.it
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2011
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