WCA November 2011
Technology news Technology news
RX5 completes Rosendahl’s crosshead series RX ❍ The Rosendahl Crosshead
of colour or material. easy-handling is guaranteed by a compact and modular design, by high precision ball-centring over an adjustable and self-sealing tip-holder – or by the well-proven fine-tuning-centring which is not only requested especially in extrusion-lines for fibre-optic cables. away process-deviations and increases quality and efficiency in extrusion-lines for micro-coaxial-, LAN- and standard power cables for automotive and non-automotive applications as well. Advanced rX5-Crosshead design keeps
WITHIN the rX Crosshead Series – available in sizes from rX2 to rX110 – the latest product launch of rX5 made by Rosendahl meets the very wide-ranged demands in the field of cable applications between 0.1 and 5mm conductor diameter. Perfectly balanced polymer distribution, temperature- and pressure-profiles guarantee a smooth and stable melt-flow across the outlet zone. rX-Type Crossheads generally provide high-precision centricity, therefore preventing over-sizing cable wall-thickness and helping to save material. Enhanced flow-channel geometry ensures short residence time of polymer melt and enables a quick and easy change
Rosendahl Maschinen GmbH – Austria Fax : +43 3113 5100 59 Email : office@rosendahlaustria.com Website : www.rosendahlaustria.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2011
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