WCA November 2009
Bunching, twisting, stranding
and cabling machinery
T aken as a group, these specialities may stir a faint recollection of the caution on the package inserts of an earlier time: “Do Not Fold, Mutilate, or Spindle.” A production run of wire – thin, attenuated, frangible – would seem to call for protection from bunching and twisting, stranding and cabling, all at apparent cross-purposes to the careful handling due the output of a modern wire mill. The makers of the equipment under review here are able to neutralise the effects of these rugged processes in only one way: by ensuring that their value-adding units are of the same precision-engineered excellence as the wire drawing machinery itself. Conductors. Circuit boards. Wire-wound resistors. Wire harnesses. Connectors for moving machine parts. Mining cables. Welding electrodes. An exhaustive list of applications for wire that has been bunched, twisted, stranded and cabled would keep a researcher occupied for some time. The companies represented in this section of Wire & Cable ASIA are keenly aware of their responsibility for the controlled toughening that imparts the enhanced qualities of those products.
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2009
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