WCA November 2009
❍ Hot galvanized dismountable BCS36 reel
Reels for power cables In recent years, A Appiani srl has increased its capacity for the production of drums and reels for cables, rope and strands. been supported by the implementation of 3D software and FEA simulations. Those tools are also suitable to evaluate reel capacity, and prevent possible ruptures in the event of heavy-duty applications. Special surface treatments are available, such as hot-galvanizing according to UNI EN ISO 1461, to suit power cable applications in tropical and humid high temperature environments.
In particular, the company has focused its investments on the development of reels for power cables, and new solutions for the manufacturing and shipping of large reels. The design of new reel types and the evaluation of the best solutions to meet customers’ requirements have The extrusion head is central to the function of the extrusion line, with the quality of extruded material directly related to the proper functioning and design of the extrusion head. The size of the axial and distribution channels is important to ensure regularity of the flow, avoiding high kinetic differences in the material and localised over- heating of the material and to maintain pressures to avoid the degradation or thermo-stress of the material, ensuring the right conditions for mixing and melting. New crosshead design
Reels are also available in inox for umbilical and oil/marine applications.
The Appiani range of products includes structural reel type BCS and corrugated BFA type or fin flanged reels. The BFA reel is also offered with a smooth internal flange and drum surface that is suitable for medium and high voltage cable.
A Appiani srl – Italy Fax : +39 030 9382425
Email : info@appiani.reels.it Website : www.appiani.reels.it
During production it is possible to adjust the axial position of the tip or die, and to vary the pressure and temperature of the molten material. As a result, the adhesion of the poly- mer to the cable is improved. This in turn avoids defects such as sur- face vibration, micro-crack, localised overheating and sharkskin effects.
Eurotek has developed an extrusion head that is said to allow balancing of the piezo-kinetic effect for sensitive materials such as HFFR and LSOH. The head has a pressure and temperature transducer to detect the condition of the processed material and so avoid overpressure or heat strokes in the case of halogen- free materials. The system can be optimised by the use of a series of specially designed semi-compression tools.
Eurotek srl – Italy Fax : +39 0872 711978
Email : info@eurotek-italy.com Website : www.eurotek-italy.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2009
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