WCA May 2022

Exhibitors at wire 2022

and Their exhibition stands will demonstrate how new technologies, machines and systems in their production facilities improve the energy and carbon dioxide balance in order to minimise their ecological footprint. The companies will also explain to visitors how they manage to reconcile economy and ecology in their production and process chains. The meeting point for the free tours will be the ecoMetals information counter at the North Entrance of the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre. obtain information on the wire and Tube websites at www.wire.de/ecometals and www.tube.de/ecometals, and can register directly to take part in the ecoMetals trails at exhibitor@wire.de or exhibitor@tube.de. resource conservation. Exhibiting companies can 11 G21 Lubricant manufacturer Metalube is utilising scientific advancements in synthetic technology to deliver advanced lubrication solutions to the wire drawing industry. With the advancement of wire machinery and the expansion of production capability, Metalube has formulated an advanced range of synthetic lubricants developed to address the objectives of today’s multi-wire machines. Already approved and in use, Metalube’s synthetic Lubricool and Metarol products are claimed to deliver better performance, increased stability and improved cleanliness over mineral-oil based products. Synthetic lubricants are stable fluids used in fine wire drawing processing applications where high levels of lubrication and cleanliness are needed to cope with the speed of modern machinery. The lubricants can deliver increased efficiency for wire drawing machinery, and can reduce wire break frequency by 50 per cent. Several factors can shorten the product life of typicalmineral-oil-based lubricants, including poor temperature control, unreliable filtration, a small system or highly pressurised pumps. Synthetic fluids, however, are less reactive and can run cleaner at lower concentrations. They are also better at rejecting contamination, ››› Messe Düsseldorf GmbH www.messe-duesseldorf.de Metalube Ltd

2M-Tech, the sales organisation for KHU cable making equipment, will be on the same stand, providing comprehensive joint consultation. Machines on display will include an opti- cal fibre colouring/ribbon/micromodule coating devicewith LED curing; amachine module for intermittent ribbon bonding; suitable downstream equipment, such as ultra-low-tension, high-speed cross- binders and SZ stranders offered by KHU; extruders and crossheads by 2M-Tech; intelligent camera supervision systems with logging and alerting (Industry 4.0-ready interfaces); KS gravure printer; KMS embossing metre marker; FMS hot foil sequential metre marker; RS ring marker; and a laser marking system (laser class I). With close relations to the cable and wire industry, the company is in touch with new requirements that are converted into new production concepts, enabling continuous further development. The LED device, the supervision systems and the intermittent ribbon bonding module are being presented at wire Düsseldorf 2022 for the first time. In addition to its new developments, Medek & Schörner has a wide range of cable marking machines and optical fibre solutions, and its employees provide reliable customer support and after-sales service. Medek & Schörner GmbH www.medek.at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH EN 01/EN 08 How green are the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries? How sustainably do they produce, and how environmentally friendly is the handling of the materials used? The new ecoMetals campaign, taking place during the wire and Tube trade fairs in Düsseldorf, will aim to answer these questions during guided tours. Visitors will be offered daily guided tours – ecoMetals-trails – to exhibitors that practice sustainability, energy efficiency Intermittent ribbon bonding line

claimed to shorten fibre set-up times by more than 70 per cent, as well as assisting the operator and saving material. The multinational team will be joined by colleagues from Davis-Standard and agents and representatives from around the world. The full range of exhibits will include topography scanning of energy cable surfaces, new dual take-up for telecom wire, a choice of crossheads and extruders for low-voltage and fibre optic cables and a tape folding system.

Maillefer’s new topography scanner

Maillefer offersmore than50 technologies for wire, cable, pipe and tube production, and a wide services portfolio that covers nearly 20 applications. Maillefer Extrusion Oy www.maillefer.net Mathiasen Machinery, Inc 12 A55 Mathiasen Machinery, Inc (MMI) will be displaying photos of a wide variety of the second-hand machinery that it buys and sells internationally. The company also offers new machinery on behalf of WiCa GmbH in Austria and Pratto SA in Greece. Second-hand machines are purchased for inventory or brokered. MMI is interested in locating individual machines, complete lines or entire plants. Consignments, warehousing, rebuilding, appraisals and liquidation services are also offered. Customers are asked to bring their surplus machinery lists and photos for evaluation. Mathiasen Machinery, Inc www.mathiasen-machinery.com 10 C52-01 Owing to close cooperation with Austrian company KHU, Medek & Schörner will be making a joint trade show appearance. Matching the optical fibre lines from Medek & Schörner, KHU offers suitable downstream machines. Medek & Schörner GmbH



May 2022

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