WCA May 2019
Industry news
THE latest technology in cars is almost impossible to imagine. Autonomous driving, cameras and various entertainment applications are becoming common features of a new car. But what is the impact of these on a cable producer in the near future? Development opportunities for autonomous driving seem infinite. Reversing cameras that help with parking, cruise control that warns of driving too fast and entertainment applications that occupy children on long drives are almost standard in new cars. New sensors that should make driving even safer are being developed constantly. The challenge is: • The more technology there is in a car, the higher the number of different cables needed • More cables and sensors, but consistent or even reduced space consumption • High temperature resistance On the road with Rosendahl Polypropylene is a resistant, low-loss and comparatively light plastic. These attributes make it attractive for cable production in the automotive field, as it allows the production of small, light and economical products. In combination with the new gas control systems RGIV (Rosendahl gas injector valve) and RMFC (Rosendahl mass • 100 per cent accuracy • Optimal transmissibility
flow control), lines for the production of data cables in the automotive sector are suitably equipped to ensure the reproducibility of the product and to reduce scrap during the entire production process. RosendahlNextrom – Austria Website : www.rosendahlnextrom.com ❍ Safer on the road with RosendahlNextrom
Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2019
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