WCA May 2013
Flux bath filtration
Flux bath in hot-dip galvanising industries must be filtered to improve quality. The iron concentration has to be maintained at a low level to avoid any problem in the treatment. Siebec, with more than 50 years’ experience in the plating industry, has developed a filter system for flux filtration: P51 filter fitted with exclusive high load L-TECH pleated cart- ridges. This filter system will
❍ ❍ Filtered to improve quality
provide better filtration than a filter press. It can also be installed in series after a filter press to clean the residual sludge and work continuously with a clean flux bath.
Siebec GmbH – Germany Website : www.siebec.com
Filtration of high viscosity lubricants
Filtration systems are built to keep the operating fluid as clean as possible, ie they have to remove the particles loosened during the drawing operation. Pure filtration of coolants and lubricants will give the effect of higher productivity due to fewer wire breaks, less down time, lower wear of the dies and much better surface quality of the wires. To achieve these goals, RESY developed and introduced the compact-band-filter (KBF), which has gained acceptance all over the world for more than 30 years. For high viscosity lubricants (larger than 120 cSt), which are mostly used for aluminium, band filters are not suitable. In these cases, the separation of the particles occurs by sedimentation in the system tank. This has to be cleaned on a regular basis. The sludge on the bottom is discharged together with a big part of the lubricant. Another effect of the fine aluminium filters is that the viscosity of the media increases. This higher concentration affects the whole supply and cooling system. RESY’s filtration and delivery system is especially developed for this application. The unit consists of a centrifuge, a delivery pump, a heater, cooling system and electrical control. It is modular to suit customers’ needs and can be easily integrated in existing systems. The lubricant is cleaned and cooled continuously during operation. The concentration of the particle in the lubricant stays on an acceptable level and ensures high quality of the wire and a consistent drawing process. Reber Systematic GmbH + Co KG – Germany Website : www.resy-filtration.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2013
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