WCA May 2013
Australia it could cost as much as $3,000 to get connected.” He said Labour’s NBN would deliver high speed broadband optic fibre cable to 93 per cent of homes and businesses across Australia by June 2021, yet: “Under the coalition, fibre-to-the-home for most Australians would only be available if you could afford it,” he said. The coalition is yet to release its broadband policy. Final kilometre fracas for Australian broadband
Australia’s communications minister, Stephen Conroy, says that, under a coalition plan, Australians will have to pay up to $3,000 for the final kilometre of fibre cable to their premises. Opposition communication spokesman Malcolm Turnbull told an information technology conference that he backed a plan where consumers on a fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) network could pay to upgrade their home or business for a full-fibre cable link. The FTTN rollout would involve the fibre broadband cable rolled to a cabinet on the corner (or node), with the last kilometre or so using the fixed copper line to the property: “...if you’ve got a customer that wants fibre, for whatever reason, then there’s no reason, technically, why you shouldn’t make it available,” Mr Turnbull told reporters. Senator Conroy said Australians would have to pay extra to connect to super fast broadband: “I have seen estimates that if this approach was adopted in
The leading international wire and cable industry associations are collaborating again to hold the 6 th CabWire World Conference at the Palazzo Turati in Milan, Italy, on Monday, 4 th November 2013. This year’s theme will be “Innovations driving worldwide wire and cable markets” and will feature a panel of both ferrous and non-ferrous expert speakers, presenting papers on the latest technological developments within the industry. The conference, organised by ACIMAF, CET, IWCEA, IWMA and WAI, will also have table-top exhibits on display and there will be the opportunity to attend a gala dinner at the Royal Palace, which overlooks the historic Duomo Piazza. There will also be a guided factory visit on Tuesday, 5 th November. To be considered for presenting a paper or to book your place as a delegate, visit www.cabwire.com ACIMAF, CET, IWCEA, IWMA and WAI Website : www.cabwire.com Conference call for papers
Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2013
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