WCA May 2009


Patented die to draw pre-stressed concrete wire The die, developed by Vassena, has a core that is well dimensioned compared to the holes; it is assembled in a fixed and immovable way in its compact casing in standard sizes. The pressure die, with a cylindrical hole and pointed final section of hard metal, fits perfectly into the cone entrance of the die, permitting the removal of any lubricant solidification in the cone of the die during pauses in production. The particular structure of the pressure core guarantees efficacy and consistency to the lubrication. The support die provides stability and reduces vibration to the core; consequently there is less possibility of breakage and a reduction in wire vibration. Moreover, the system VG402 is equipped with a drain hole that permits any lost lubricant, perhaps caused by an excess of pressure, to return to the lubricant tank.

The operator can assemble die and pressure die quickly and easily without using special tools; the assemblage is completed with a light manual pressure of the two components. As the core is assembled like a standard die even the operation of reconditioning is made easy, allowing for the reuse of the system. Using a reduction ring, die VG402 becomes a standard die.

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VG402 PC wire die from Vassena

Vassena Filiere Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0341 583363 Email : vassena@vassena.it Website : www.vassena.it


Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2009

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