WCA May 2008
(new & re-conditioned)
New automated angle polishing and sizing machine
Die Quip has released its new Die Flex XA automated angle polishing and sizing machine that automatically cycles a die from a preloaded magazine into the working chuck. After polishing or sizing, the robotic arm places the worked die back into the magazine for additional processing or into a collection bin. The unique removable magazines allow for multiple magazines to be loaded or for a new die size set up while the machine is running. The magazines can be flipped up or down to size the bearing from either direction to produce the desired bearing geometry. A fully loaded machine will run unattended for 1 to 1½ hours, dramatically reducing overhead while boosting throughput. The dies are gripped in a 3-jaw air chuck to insure die concentricity, which reduces out of round wire.
The new Die Flex XA automated angle polishing and sizing machine
The Die Flex XA is a valuable addition to Die Quip’s heavy duty die grinding and polishing equipment. The rigid design of the company’s equipment makes sure that the dies geometry and roundness are accurate and con- sistent from one die to the next. Along with the rigid autofeed, the powerful electric spindles provide the cutting ability to remove wear, take dies to larger sizes and work on large diameter dies.
Die Quip Corporation – USA Fax: +1 412 835 6474 Email: diequip@diequip.com Website: www.diequip.com
Quality assured Koner Dies inspects all components of the production process of their dies to the company’s exacting specifications. All the dies undergo rigorous quality control procedures. The companies qualified die grinding service guarantees the allowance of the geometrical tolerances of the drawing dies. The user is assured of buying new drawing dies with precise technical specifications together with specific controls to verify their tolerances. Worn dies are given the same rigorous quality control pro- cedures, saving on uncontrollable wire drawing conditions, unexpectedmachine downtimes, wire out of specification with consequent loss in production and non-homogeneous quality of the wire. D r a w i n g Dies from Koner
Koner Dies Srl – Italy
Fax: +39 025 455832 Email: tkt@tktgroup.it Website: www.tktgroup.it
Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2008
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