WCA May 2008
Ocean’s spectrometer gets the approval
appropriate collection bin for storage. Even under rigorous 18 hour work days, the USB4000 main- tains consistent speed and accuracy. The USB4000 Spectro- meter selected by Huge Winners is distinguished by enhanced electronics: 16-bit A/D resolution for auto nulling (an enhanced electrical dark-signal cor- rection); EEPROM stor- age of calibration co- efficients for simple spectrometer start-up;
Huge Winners CNC System (Shenzhen) Co Ltd has chosen Ocean Optics miniature fibre optic spectrometers to use in its LED (light emitting diode) sorting systems. Ocean Optics Asia, based in Shanghai, worked together with the Chinese company to develop a workable solu- tion to improve the reliability of its LED sorting system. With bulbs moving through its sorters at a rate of approximately 8,000 pieces per hour, speed was another important factor for Huge Winners in selecting a spectrometer. Ocean Optics’ USB4000 measures and processes individual LED spectral data within 10 to 50 milliseconds. Spectral data is quickly digitised and processed by computer for dominant and peak value wavelength, CIE colour and irradiance (lumens). Based on these results, the sorter then transports each individual bulb to the
Ocean’s spectrometers is the real winner in China m m
130 photons/count at 400nm, and optical resolution (FWHM) ranging from 0.3-10.0nm.
8 programmable GPIO signals for controlling peripheral devices; and an electronic shutter for spectrometer integration times as fast as 3.8 microseconds – a feature that prevents detector saturation. In addition, the USB4000 has signal-to-noise of 300:1, sensitivity of
Ocean Optics – USA Fax: +1 727 733 3962
Email: info@oceanoptics.com Website: www.oceanoptics.com
GTS Industries, France, has awarded Techint Italimpianti Deutschland the contract for engineering, supply, erection and commissioning of one Pusher Type Furnace for a plate mill in Dunkerque, France. New furnace contract for Tenova The furnace fulfils the highest conditions about homogeneity of temperature, scale losses, efficiency and emitted values. The new furnace will be connected in series to the existing furnaces with the purpose to increase the mill load capacity. The order includes a turnkey plant of a bilateral heated Pusher Type Furnace equipped with Tenova LOI Italimpianti FlexyTech ® –LO-NOx high speed and roof radiant burners firing natural gas. The furnace is designed for a capacity of 200t/h to heat up slabs with different qualities up to 1,250°C.
The complete equipment will be started up in June 2009.
Tenova LOI Italimpianti – Italy Fax: +39 02 4693026 Email: info@tenovagroup.com Website: www.tenovagroup.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2008
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