WCA May 2007
Industry News
It’s showtime in Bangkok! Bangkok – at the heart of one of the most dynamic economies in the region – will stage wire/Tube South East ASIA 2007 in October this year. More than 90% of available space has already been booked, with many companies who were absent from Singapore in 2005 making a return, reflecting their enthusiasm for the Thai and other regional markets. The move to Bangkok has also been applauded by the International Wire and Machinery Association (IWMA). Chairman Peter Large said that although the last exhibition in Singapore was an ‘unqualified success’ the move to Bangkok was ideal for all. “The new location is truly the gateway to other important developing markets like Vietnam as well as Malaysia and Indonesia and the IWMA will have an excellent opportunity to widen its membership appeal,” he said. Commenting on the relocation of this key industry event to Thailand, IWCEA’s President Dr Horst Birkmann commented: “South East Asia is still an emerging market and its growth is fuelled by Asia’s incumbent super powers of India and China. The South East Asian economies are free from restrictions and we believe that Bangkok is a good place to gain strong access into the region. As it is, both Thailand and Vietnam have tremendous market potentials and will no doubt have great impact in South East Asia.” Exhibitors are also lauding the move to locate the show in Thailand. Commenting on his company’s rationale for exhibiting at wire South East ASIA, Brad Scherer, Vice President, International Operations, at Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc, said: “The GDP growth rate of the southeast Asian region is among the highest in the world and Thailand has historically been at the forefront of this growth, partly because of their regional leadership role in the automotive industry. “Additionally, Bangkok is geographically located in the centre of the region and has been rapidly improving its infrastructure to handle such [major] events. “Finally, the wire industry is quite well established in Thailand, with many foreign owned companies having established manufacturing plants there
Heading for Bangkok in October? Space is going fast for South East ASIA 2007 ▲
to serve the local market, com- plementing the many Thai-owned wire production enterprises that are also present.” As part of the exhibition, the IWMA are also running a supporting seminar – Non-Ferrous Bangkok, co-organised with the ITA on 17 th October. The format will be a wire session in the morning and a tube session after lunch. Because Non-Ferrous Bangkok will take place at the exhibition hall, it will enable delegates and speakers to attend both the exhibition and the seminar.
For more information on either attending or speaking at the seminar please contact the IWMA (info@iwma. org) or ITA (info@itatube.org). wire/Tube South East ASIA 2007 is being held from 16 th -18 th October at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC).
Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd – Singapore Fax : +65 6337 4633 Email : wire@mda.com.sg Website : www.wire-southeastasia.com
Windings becomes Reelex Packaging Solutions
Global packaging company Windings, Inc has announced a change of name, to Reelex Packaging Solutions, Inc, with effect from March 2007. “We are excited to announce our new company name,” said Mr Tom Copp, president. “The Reelex brand name is already widely known in the wire and cable industry. “As we expand our business outside of our traditional customer base, our new name will make it easier for potential customers to identify us, and what we do.” The company will continue to offer as its main business the providing of packaging equipment for the wire industry. All other company details, including its address, website, email addresses and telephone numbers, will remain unchanged. The company’s Reelex system is a patented method of winding cable or any cord-like product in such a way as to result in a reel-less, self-supporting coil. This coil dispenses from the inside-out without twists, tangles, snags or overruns. The packages are easy to handle, stack and palletise, are lighter than reels and spools, and are 100% environmentally friendly. Reelex Packaging Solutions, Inc – USA Fax : +1 845 878 7884 Email : sales@reelex.com Website : www.reelex.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2007
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