WCA March 2016
Industry news
Mr Jae-In Yoon, president of the business unit in LS C&S, said that the experience gained with Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, when LS C&S successfully completed the 230kV Patuxent River crossing project, was instrumental in winning this contract. LS Cable & System – South Korea Website : www.lscns.com $57m Newark Bay contract for Korea’s LS Cable Solomon Islands link An undersea cable project for Solomon Islands is expected to be in its operational phase by October 2016.
LS Cable and System (LS C&S) has been awarded the Bergen-Linden Corridor project by Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G), the largest electric and gas service provider in New Jersey, USA. The contract will be worth around $57 million. LS C&S will supply and install a new 345kV underground cable system between Bayway and Bayonne, to deliver electricity to northeast New Jersey and address power shortage issues in the region. Key challenges for this project are the manufacture, transportation and installation of new underground cables across the Newark Bay. The cables will pass through conduits installed by the horizontal directional drill method, which demands continuous cables longer than 7,000ft (2.2km) and special care and handling of large reels to and at the site.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) social development specialist Ninebeth Carandang has confirmed that the project will be financed through an Asian development fund loan together with grant funds and equity brought in by the Solomons Oceanic Cable Company. The submarine cable is proposed to be sourced from Sydney, Australia. Major components of the network will be an international link from Sydney to Honiara, and domestic links from Honiara to Auki and from Honiara to Noro. The cable project is expected to help improve the country’s connectivity to the rest of the world, offer new domestic and regional economic opportunities, reduce communication costs and improve service delivery. Asian Development Bank – Philippines Website : www.adb.org
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