Wire & Cable ASIA – September/October 2007
March/April 2013
www.read-wca.comfailures in design, yet they could pass existing testing
standards based solely on what is contained in GR-409 for
tight-buffered fibres.
In loose-tube outdoor fibre cables, covered by the
GR-20 standard, there are a number of tests that may
determine whether the fibres are under some stress or
strain. Currently, the only requirement for strain testing is
contained in TIA-455-33B section FOTP-33a. This covers
tensile testing for these cables using a component for
measuring fibre strain.
The question becomes whether less than five per cent
shrinkage, as stated in this specification, is still an
acceptable standard or benchmark. It could be too
broad a measurement based on the fact that new bend
insensitive fibres will not show the same sensitivity. If
any flaw or defect in the fibre could possibly be missed
by current testing standards, yet could have a significant
impact in deployed fibres over time, then new criteria such
as fibre strain should be added to current test methods,
specifications and standards.
What might work in bulk cable may not work in cable
connector interfaces, and what may pass testing today
might not work over the expected life of the fibre. The
existing aging cycle was developed using high temperature
only to detect changes in the jacket and buffering
compounds, such as hardening, cracking or shrinkage
over the aging process.
Today, it may be wise to consider whether those
compounds will fail or not when testing is based on
different parameters. One such area is thermal coefficient
of linear expansion. This is the rate of expansion and
contraction of a material over a given temperature profile.
The rate of polymer change is typically an order of
magnitude compared to glass.
For example, if continuous shrinkage occurs beyond
the normal shrinkage tests and is identified by increased
attenuation, how do you detect it in reduced bend radius
fibres where no or minimal increased attenuation is
detected? The answer is that you would not – until perhaps
the fibre reaches a pivot point where it is no longer a viable
long-term communications medium.
In the loose-tube cable environment, the opposite can
potentially occur. That is, there could be too much excess
fibre length and the fibre would bunch up – not due to
shrinkage, but because an attenuation increase was not
detected in the reduced bend radius fibre.
The individual tube is not tested for shrinkage separately
but may be coiled for several metres in a transition housing
and not have the design of the overall cable to control
shrinkage in the individual loose tube.
The bottom line is that since attenuation resistance is
increased in reduced bend radius fibres, microbends
and other stresses on the fibre may not be detectable
with today’s testing standards for conventional fibre.
These existing standards should be carefully reviewed
and appropriate criteria added to specifically include the
unique characteristics of reduced bend radius fibres.
New testing considerations
There is a need for the addition of several new test criteria
to GR-409 and GR-20 in light of the unique characteristics
of reduced bend radius fibre types. For example, a means
of measuring fibre strain should be added to existing test
criteria. Strain or stress should be measurable on both
indoor and outdoor fibre cables during tensile FOTP-33b,
aging and other mechanical testing processes where this
type of testing is not currently conducted.
This may be difficult without introducing a new family of
qualification tests for fibre strain, but the new reduced
bend radius fibres demand it.
A second consideration for changing testing methods
may be to measure delta excess fibre length, in loose tube
type cables, before and after ageing, and also in individual
tubes. For instance, attenuation and excess length could
be measured before ageing and temperature cycling
processes, and then again following these processes.
They would then be compared to established pass/fail
Current specifications do not require this type of testing,
nor do they require testing in a loose configuration. All
testing is currently done on spools or coils. In a loose-tube
configuration in a coil, you can have a great deal more
excess length and relaxed length than in a straight line.
Attenuation increases would be less evident without the
ability to measure excess length as a mechanical test.
Figure 6
: Fibre Strain vs. Tensile Loading
Figure 7
: High Precision Shrinkage Gauge
Cleaning tool