WCA March 2012
Photo courtesy Rene Tillmann ©
Photo courtesy Rene Tillmann ©
wire 2012 Exhibitors
Micraflo™ – colour concentrates Also featured on the stand will be the Mexichem range of PVC resins and plasticisers. • Primex ® – PVC resin • K value 65 for profile extrusion • K value 70 for cable compounds Mexiflex ® Plasticisers
ATE Stand: 11C77
AlphaGary Stand: 11G22
ATE has recently presented two new induction heating systems that complete the range of continuous heating for parallel treatment of wires. These new systems are called IMW and CMW. The main feature of IMW system is the simultaneous heating of each wire, also when they have a different diameter, by means of a dedicated inductor that is fed by the related frequency converter.
AlphaGary will present the latest grades to be added to the extensive range of compounds for the global wire and cable manufacturing industry. These include: • Megolon™ – halogen free, low smoke, fire retardant (HFFR, LSOH) compounds • Low die drool compounds for high speed extrusion • Tear resistant compounds for demanding environments such as found in the Middle East • Optical fibre tight buffer compounds • Oil resistant compounds having high flexibility • Compounds that have high char formation when burned in demanding fire tests. • RoHS and REACH compliant grades Smokeguard ® – low smoke, highly fire retardant PVC compounds with good char integrity • Insulation and jacket candidate for ‘Plenum’ rated cables • US “National Electrical Code ® ”: CMP (Cat 5e; Cat 6+), OFNP, CL2P, CL3P, FPLP, etc • For cables requiring the higher Euro- classification, defined by the CPD • RoHS compliant and lead free versions • Olefin fillers/separators required ple- num applications • Good transmission properties and processability GW Series – PVC compounds • Flame retardant grades for require- ments for cables listed from general purpose to riser • Low temperature grades • Excellent transmission properties for communications cable applications. Garaflex ® – thermoplastic elastomers • Flexible, flame retardant, low temper- ature, 105 degree rated with UV resistant compounds. • Vinyl and olefin based compounds for a variety of applications.
• DOP • DINP • TOTM AlphaGary – USA Fax : +1 978 840 0856
Email : info@alphagary.com Website : www.alphagary.com
A Appiani Stand: 11G32
This is a special year for A Appiani Srl as the company is celebrating 50 years of continuous activity in the wire and cable industry under Appiani family control. The company will be showing its complete range of available products at wire 2012, which includes B-type spools for steel cord and saw-wire applications, structural reels for cable, rope and strands, pressed steel reels for internal process and shipping of ferrous and non-ferrous wire, machined reels for wire and multi- wire drawing, processing reels for heavy duty applications, composite steel-ABS reels for extrusion of fibre optics or telecom cables and collapsible take-apart reels (hydraulic, mechanic, pneumatic) for coils. The company has also launched a new website, www.appianigroup.com, where it will be possible to discover the group’s products in an intuitive and interactive way. A Appiani Srl – Italy Fax : +39 030 938 2425 Email : info@appianigroup.com Website : www.appianigroup.com
❍ A new system from ATE
The CMW system is destined to a group of wires heated by means of a single induc- tor fed by only one frequency converter. The numerous advantages of these new systems make them preferable to the traditional ones in terms of efficiency, consumption, quality and compactness. Some application examples may be the annealing, stress relieving, brass-diffusion, pre-heating and, in any case, integrated in other industrial processes requested by the customer. The main types of ATE induction heating systems are: • Medium and high frequency converters (unit power to over 2,000 kW, frequency from 0.5 to 150kHz) • Induction heat treatment plants of wires, bars, tubes and strips îî
wire 2012 - New Products on show March 26 th – 30 th
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