WCA March 2012
‘Cube’ gives a 360 degree view ▲ ▲ The i-360 Viewer ‘Cube’
REGG Inspection introduces the new i-360 Viewer ‘Cube’ for first article inspection. The system is based on a high-resolution vision system with proprietary soft- ware built and outfitted for fastener products and many other manu- factured components. The system features a 2 1 / 3 "x3 1 / 8 " vision area, while maintaining a considerable accuracy and repeatability down to ±3 microns. All measurements are taken simultaneously in less than a second, and a rotation option allows the system to take full radial measurements. The i-360 Viewer “Cube” is a reliable and precise measuring instrument and designed to be very easy to use. On-site technical service can assist customers in all major markets.
Regg Inspection – Italy Fax : +39 029 574 4153 Email : info@regginspection.it Website : www.regginspection.it
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