WCA March 2011
Cable production
OptEM Cable Designer
OptEM offers a range of software products that pro- vide accurate electromagnetic and signal integrity analysis of high-speed high-performance electronic interconnects. Fabrication information and standard design datafiles are used throughout all of OptEM’s software products to simplify the input process. On output, the software tools provide a variety of detailed reports, interconnect SPICE models, reflection and crosstalk values, S-parameter plots, and other critical signal integrity information for design engineers. OptEM Cable Designer is a CAE design tool used for designing and simulating the performance of all types of copper cables.
In particular, the software models unshielded and
The main screen on OptEM Cable Designer ❍ ❍
shielded twisted-pair, quad, ribbon, subsea umbilical and speciality cables, as well as flex circuits from DC to 10 GHz in telecommunication and data transmission applications. At high frequencies the behaviour of the signal that travels along the cable changes due to electromagnetic effects, and typical problems encountered include increased attenuation, dispersion, distortions and crosstalk. OptEM Cable Designer uses a hierarchical-design modelling concept where existing design elements are used as building blocks (instances) in constructing higher level designs. Objects in the cross section are tagged to identify key object properties including the core material (conductor or dielectric), plating and object name. Each design-element instance has its own unique position, rotation and lay length properties which provide realistic twisting parameters for individual pairs, bundles, shields and cables. The software performs an EM field analysis to generate accurate ASCII reports for LRCG parameters, and plots S-parameter data for RL, IL, NEXT, FEXT, ELFEXT, and PS-NEXT and PS-FEXT. Two new Design Advisor modules have recently been added to the software: Pair Advisor – iteratively calculates conductor and insulate diameters which 1 fulfil a selected standard using assigned design properties for a shielded or unshielded pair Lay Length Advisor – calculates the lay lengths of a four-pair cable based on 2 assigned design properties and ratios between NEXT resonance frequency and the maximum frequency for diagonal and side-by-side pairs
clean wire after drawing
can do wire equipment
Electrolytic plating ◆ Candojet hot water cleaning ◆ Electrolytic & Ultrasonic ◆ degreasing Welding wire cleaning and ◆ copper coating Pickling & phosphating ◆
OptEM Engineering Inc – Canada Email : info@optem.com Website : www.optem.com
CANDOR Sweden AB Tel: +46 11 21 75 00 Email: info@candorsweden.com Fax: +46 11 12 63 12 Website: www.candorsweden.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – March/April 2011
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