WCA March 2010
wire 2010
AWM 有视频图像展示新生产线,可以根 据要求在展会后组织参观运转的机器。
The FL-20A cable fault locator ▼
AWM Stand: 11A22
AWM will introduce its revolutionary Synthesis machine. Continuing the development of an integrated system of mesh welding and cage production all under one roof, the new Synthesis is suitable to automatically produce any type of cage using wire in coils. Cages are produced by the automatic folding of sheet meshes; complex cages can be composed using several smaller elements. The production is handled on a just-in-time basis using a newly designed software program that allows a total integration of the new system with the traditional working method. AWM will show videos and pictures of the new line, and a visit to a working machine can be organised, upon request, after the show. The company’s wider portfolio, including cold rolling lines (coil-to-coil and coil-to-bar), straightening and cutting machines, all types of mesh welding lines, lattice girder machines and automatic mesh benders will also be on display.
公司有较广泛的产品系列,包括冷轧生 产线(线圈-线圈及线圈-棒条)、矫平切 割机、各种焊接线、格梁机,还有自动 筛网折弯机都有展出。
AWM SpA – Italy Fax : +39 0432 780350 Email : info@awm.it Website : www.awm.it
Clinton Instrument Company Stand: 9E38
The FL-20A cable fault locator is Clinton Instrument Company’s newest tool for the wire and cable industry. Cable rejected during the hi-pot test has always been an expensive problem for the manufacturer but, until now, finding opens and shorts with an analogue cable fault locator has required tedious meter and sensitivity adjustments as well as mathematical calculation once the test was completed. The digital FL-20A automates cable fault detection, greatly reducing the time and training required to find these problems. Opens, metallic shorts, or high voltage shorts between conductors or between conductor and shield are pinpointed quickly and with ease. The operator simply connects the FL-20A test probes to each end of the cable under test, enters the cable length and gauge size on the digital front panel display, and selects “Shorts” or “Opens” to begin the test. Within a few seconds, the unit calculates the distance of the fault site from each test probe and displays the location in feet or metres. The failure can then be cut out or repaired and the remaining good product salvaged, resulting in savings for the producer. The FL-20A cable fault locator, a compact 15 inches wide x 14 inches deep x 10 inches high, weighs only 30lb and is significantly smaller and lighter than its predecessors. It promises a great return on investment by salvaging expensive cable assemblies and lowering the costs associated with salvage.
FL-20A ▲ 电缆故障定位器
FL-20A 电缆故障定位器是 Clinton 仪表 公司用于电线电缆行业的最新工具。
对制造商而言,耐压试验时电缆不合 格,一直是浪费金钱的大事情。但是直 到现在,利用模拟电缆故障定位器就能 找到开口和短路,要求有繁琐计算和灵 敏度调整,试验一旦完成,就要进行数 学计算。
数字 FL-20A 自动电缆故障探测能减少找 出这些问题所花的时间和进行的培训。
开口、金属短路或导体之间、导体和屏 蔽之间的高压短路都能快速、轻松精确 定位。试验时,作业员 将 FL-20A 试验 探头简单连接到电缆的每个端上,进入 到前部数码仪表显示盘上的电缆长度和 测量规尺寸界面,选择“短路”或“开 口”开始试验。几秒钟内,单元就计算 出每次试验探头故障现场传来的信息, 以英尺或公制单位显示定位结果。 然后就清除故障,或者进行检修,并对 良好产品进行抢修,这对生产商而言起 到了节省作用。 FL - 20A 电缆故障定位器, 15 英寸 宽, 14 英寸深, 10 英寸高,但重量仅有 30 磅,比以前的产品更小、更轻。通过 抢修昂贵的电缆组件和减少成本可以取 得很大的投资回报。 Clinton Instrument Company – USA Fax : +1 860 669 3825 Email : support@clintoninstrument.com Website : www.clintoninstrument.com
Cage production using AWM tech- ▼ nology
AWM 技术的笼生产
AWM 将推出改革性合成机。随着在一 个屋面下进行网焊和笼生产的整合装置 开发,新型合成机适合于使用成卷线材 自动生产任何形式的笼。 通过自动折叠网格片来生产笼。复杂笼 是由多个较小元件构成的。生产利用全 新设计的软件编程及时到位,它综合了 全新的系统和传统的工作方式。
Construcciones Mecánicas Caballé SA Stand: 11G65
Construcciones Mecánicas Caballé SA will show a new range of rigid stran- ders and drum twisters, redesigned
wire 2010 - New Products on show April 12 th – 16 th 2010
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