WCA March 2010
Wire drawing machinery
Rod-casting order from Turkey
Rautomead Ltd has secured a firm order from Elsan Elektrik Gerecieri SA of Denizli, Turkey to supply an RS 3000/6 copper rod-casting machine for use in the manufacture of enamelled wires. Rautomead’s expertise in graphite crucible and electrical resistance heating technology is well suited to copper wire rod production. The all-carbon containment system acts as a strongly reducing environment and avoids risk of ceramic refractory contamination of the molten copper. These factors ensure the highest quality oxygen-free copper rod. Elsan will be building its own operating platform and cathode feed, but in accordance with Rautomead designs. of Rautomead’s standard coilers will be supplied in kit form for local manufacture. Proprietary components
❍ Wire drawing equipment from Dongguan Guanbiao Electrical Machinery
speed regulation and an opto-electrical transducer to improve working accuracy and productivity and assist energy-saving and environmental protection. Electrical equipment is in use for producing copper wire, copper-clad aluminium wire, copper-clad steel wire, aluminium wire and Al-Mg alloy wires. Dongguan Guanbiao Electrical Machinery – China Fax : +86 769 8892 0895 Dongguan Guanbiao
Dongguan Electrical Machinery Co Ltd specialises in manufacturing and cable machinery. From its 6,000m 2 facility in south China, the company produces a wide range of wire drawing machines including continuous intermediate wire drawing and annealing machines, intermediate/small wire drawing machines and fine and super-fine wire drawing machines. All wire drawing machinery produced by Dongguan Guanbiao Electrical Machinery is provided with modern technology such as frequency conversion speed regulation, PLC, DC Guanbiao
Rautomead Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1382 622941
Email : sales@rautomead.com Website : www.rautomead.com
Email : info@guanbiao.com Website : www.guanbiao.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – March/April 2010
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