WCA March 2010
wire 2010
AR24 要求占地面积尽量小,可以与托 盘装置一起并用,使其成为全自动的卷 轴生产线。 Windak 公司还将展示大量的收放线装置 和重绕解决方案,卷轴直径范围从 500 毫米到 5,000 毫米。 新的《电缆收线综合指南》提供给操作 者,无需手握工具就能在完全安全的环 境中精确控制绕组。
Windak will be displaying its latest automatic coiler FC-5 and automatic reeler, AR24. The FC-5 coiler is a versatile and user-friendly fully automatic coiler. It can hold the coil together with stretch wrap, a binder material or strap, making it a multi-purpose coiling machine. It can handle a wide range of cables from 3mm to 25mm diameter and coil size up to 480mm (19"). The AR24 is a new dual-head fully automatic reeler developed for auto- matic packaging of cable and wire products onto spools and reels between 300mm (12") and 600mm (24") in overall diameter. It can be run in in-line and off- line applications, and loads and unloads reels automatically. It will also stretch wrap the spool to contain the cut end. AR24 requires minimal floor space, and when combined with the integrated palletiser makes a complete automatic spooling line. Windak will also show a large range of payoff, take-up and rewind solutions, with complete ranges from 500mm to 5,000mm reel diameter. A new integrated take-up cable guide provides the operator with a hands-free tool for accurate winding control in complete safety. Windak 专营电线电缆行业的自动包装解 决方案,并在瑞典、美国、澳大利亚和 爱沙尼亚设有办事处。 Windak 将展示其最新的自动卷绕机 FC - 5 和自动卷线机 AR24 。 FC-5 卷绕机是多功能、有用户操作界面 的全自动卷绕机。可以拉伸包裹、捆绑 材料或是用扎带将其线材绕成圈,它是 一台多用途卷绕机。 可以处理从 3 毫米到 25 毫米直径,线圈 尺寸高达 480 毫米( 19 ")的电线电缆。 AR24 是一个新的双头全自动卷线机, 开发用来自动包装电线电缆产品,卷 筒外形直径在 300 毫米( 12 ")到 600 毫米 ( 24 ")之间。 它可以运行于在线和离线应用程序状态 下,能自动加载和卸载卷筒。它还能通 过拉伸包裹线轴来裹住切割末端。
The new Whitelegg CFM 2D wire and ▼ spring forming machine
Windak AB – Sweden Fax : +46 858 03 8955 Email : info@windak.se Website : www.windak.se
新 Whitelegg CFM 2D 线材和弹簧成型机
Whitelegg Machines 将推出用以下新技 术: 新的 CFM 2D 所有新版本的 CFM 2D 线材成型机带自 动对焊技术,并增添了一个新的线材弯 曲头、新的切割装置和新的 Allform ™ 软 件。 机器的设计变更已用来提高生产率,减 少转换/设置时间,提高最终产品的质 量。 HIT-8-CNC 5 - 轴卷簧机 建立在受欢迎的 2 轴型号的基础上,该 2 轴型号自 1996 年以来一直在出售,这 个新的 5 轴型号有伺服电机来驱动喂料 器,螺距滑板、刀具滑板、水平螺距和 直径控制。 弹簧程序是自动生成的,并使用不同类 型的弹簧模板,如平行的,锥形的和双 锥形的。 该机器的标准版包括在成卷两端都有垂 直和旋转的切断装置。它适用于 0.1 毫米 至 0.8 毫米直径的线材并且每分钟能产生 高达 800 的弹簧。 RFM - 10T 弹簧生产机 一种通用的凸轮型机,适合生产各种类 型的弹簧和钢丝。
Zumbach Electronic AG Stand: 11D43
Zumbach will present many new developments and products. The following is a summary of the most important:
New laser based diameter gauges • for small cables and wires. Besides the complete line of ODAC ® laser diameter gauges, new models with special laser beam geometry, fault detection function and high scan rate will be exhibited New measuring gauge for large • dimensions using HLF technology 3-axis laser diameter gauges with • incorporated fault detection New, compact 3-axis fault • detectors The advanced ODEX • ® concentricity and diameter gauge for wire extrusion. Fully non-contact, based on magnetic and laser technology Ultrasonic wall thickness scanners • with quick and easy adaptation to cable diameters and space-saving integration Data acquisition, processing and display units (processors): A new, economic and compact • data acquisition, processing and display unit, and a full programme of USYS processors, ranging from a low-cost basic model up to the high-end multi-sensor processor/ controller All USYS processors are designed to be user-friendly, safe, stable and flexible for extension and upgrading •
其标准版本适用于 0.4 毫米至 1 毫米范围 的产品,包括线材和旋转线卷装置。
Whitelegg Machines Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1293 538 910 Email : sales@whitelegg.com Website : www.whitelegg.com
Windak AB Stand: 9B56
Windak specialises in automatic packaging solutions for the wire and cable industry and has offices in Sweden, USA, Australia and Estonia.
wire 2010 - New Products on show April 12 th – 16 th 2010
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