WCA March 2010
wire 2010
生产或涂装时遇到由于线速改变或光纤 振动导致出现不符合情况,可以在早期 就能发现。 生产时,产品参数统计分布短期变动, 可以通过 Ecocontrol 系列的处理器系统 云图图像显示。 装置出厂校验,保持精密性和测量规的 寿命。测量规头技术确保了光纤品质, 同样也确保了可靠数据远距离传输,不 会出现数据丢失。 测量原则是以公司专门注册的“激光- 阴影投影原则”为基础,也就是无需 移动零件,就能进行非触点光学直径 测量。该公司还提供光纤生产时要用 的 Fiber Lump6003T , 用来进行结块勘 测。
coverage of the wire at line speeds up to 200m/min. The SI4200 surface defect detection system consists of multiple cameras to capture high-speed real time images of cable surfaces. The system software can determine the size and type of a wide range of surface defects; even defects as small as 0.6mm will be detected. Digital images are enhanced, magnified and displayed on a remote monitor, enabling the operator to verify the defect. This allows operators to to distinguish between real and fake defects (such as a water droplet), or to detect surface blemishes, surface discolouring or scratches. A record of the defect type, size and location can be saved to a database. Operators can pinpoint the defect locations after production is completed. The system will easily integrate with existing lines and works with all types of cable including armoured, jacketed, bare wires, and convoluted profiles. Taymer’s surface defect detection system can ensure that problems are discovered before defective products are sent to customers.
The IRIS 5000 infrared inspection ▼ system
Sikora AG – Germany Fax : +49 421 489009 0 Email : sales@sikora.net Website : www.sikora.net
Southwire Company (SCR Technologies) Stand: 9F13-01
IRIS 5000
铜棒材连续铸造时, IRIS 5000 装置探测 孔。该系统使用红外线摄像仪,当铜棒 材退出铸造轮和过冷器时,测量表面温 度。 已经开发出使用 IR 摄像仪的温度轮廓图 进行统计算法。统计算法评估可探测 1 英寸直径不少于 1/8 的空值。专利技术 使得用户可以实时抓住尺寸特征及空值 频率。 现有的无损探伤技术只可以探测表面缺 陷,而 IRIS5000 装置可以探测铸棒中心 的空值。 这样,使用该装置的用户就有信心对棒 材分级,拉丝机就不会由于不良金属 输入或铸造颗粒杂质混入,出现线材破 损。
Southwire SCR Technologies will introduce the IRIS 5000 infrared inspection system. IRIS 5000 detects porosity during the continuous casting of copper bar. The system uses an infrared camera to measure surface temperature as the copper bar exits the casting wheel and after-cooler. A statistical algorithm using the temperature profile from the IR camera has been developed. Evaluation of the statistical algorithm leads to the detection of voids of less than 1/8 th of an inch diameter. This patent pending technology allows the user to characterise the size and frequency of the void in real time. Existing non-destructive inspection technology is capable of detecting only surface defects, while the IRIS 5000 detects voids in the centre of the cast bar. This allows the user of IRIS 5000 to grade rod with confidence that the wire drawer will not encounter wire breaks due to poor input metal or inappropriate casting practices.
Taymer’s SI4200 for quality assurance ▼
Southwire Company – USA Fax : +1 770 838 6600 Email : scrsales@southwire.com Website : www.southwire.com
Taymer ▲ 的 SI4200 装置用于质量保证
使用 Taymer 国际有限公司新开发的 SI4200 ,可以探测针孔、颈部探伤、探 测隆起物和瑕疵。 公司最新的检验装置可以用单个系统探 测所有的护套缺陷,节省了占地空间和 成本。装置提供360度范围检测,线材 的线速度高达200米/分。 ST4200表面探伤系统由多个摄像仪构 成,快速、实时抓拍电缆表面图像。系 统软件可以决定较广范围表面探伤的尺
Taymer International Inc Stand: 9D06-04
Pinholes, neck-downs, bulges and blemishes can be detected using Taymer International Inc’s newly developed SI4200. Taymer’s latest inspection system can detect all jacket defects with a single system, saving floor space and cost. The system provides 360 degrees of
SCR 技术公司将推出一款
IRIS 5000 红外线检验系统。
wire 2010 - New Products on show April 12 th – 16 th 2010
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