WCA March 2010
wire 2010
variations of line speed or vibrating (oscillating) fibres, can be found at an early stage. During production, the statistical distribution of short-term variations of the product parameters are graphically displayed as a cloud diagram on the processor system of the Ecocontrol series. The devices are factory-calibrated and maintain their accuracy for the life of the gauge. The gauge head technology ensures the quality of the fibre, which in turn ensures reliable data transfer over long distances without data loss. The measuring principle is based on the Sikora patent-registered “Laser- shadow projection principle” which allows the non-contact optical measurement of diameters without moving parts. Sikora also offers the Fiber Lump 6003 T for lump detection during fibre production. The monitor screen shows the diameter ▼ of the bare fibre as well as the diameter after the coating. In the cloud diagram the position of the fibre is visualised within the measuring field
Rosendahl 将展示新的增大型十字头系 列产品。
Rosendahl Maschinen GmbH Stand: 9A74 Rosendahl will be exhibiting a new, enlarged crosshead series. The Rosendahl crosshead series applies to the requirements of different types of cables and can suit any extrusion line. The enlarged series comprises crossheads for cables up to 110mm in core diameter for different application areas. The challenge in distributor design is to find the optimum dimensions of the distributor to attain a balanced flow at the exit. Rosendahl’s distributor concept is said to guarantee homogeneous material flow, independent of the processed materials or the output. This optimised material flow provides high centricity and allows a reduction in average wall thickness, therefore reducing manufacturing costs. Rosendahl has conducted mechanical calculations and rheological analysis of the crosshead series using the latest finite element simulation programmes. The simulation can also compute pressure, temperature rise, velocity, and stress and strain rate distributions over the entire simulation domain. Especially when designing the distributor, it is important to adapt the distributor’s channels to the flow path of the melt. To offer a broad material spectra, Rosendahl researched with university institutes on a wide range of materials for the cable industry and now offers a material database that includes standard as well as special material (foamed material blends, LSOH, XLPE). Rosendahl will introduce a new, ▼ enlarged crosshead series
Rosendahl 十字头系列适合不同种类电 缆要求,并且适用于挤出生产线。增 大型系列包括用于电缆的十字头,电缆 芯直径达到 110 毫米,用于不同应用领 域。 分布器设计遇到的挑战是找出最优尺 寸,保持出口处流量平衡。 Rosendahl 的分布概念据说是保障物流均匀,不依 靠加工材料或输出材料。 最优物流可提供高中心率,减少平均壁 厚,因此降低了生产成本。 Rosendahl 还使用最新的有限元素模拟程序,对十 字头系列进行了机械计算和流变分析。 模拟还计算压力、升高温度、速率、应 力和限制整个模拟领域的速率分布。特 别是当设计分布器时,采用分布器的熔 化流量路径渠道是很重要的。 为了提供广范围材料, Rosendahl 与大 学院校合作一起研究电缆行业材料。现 在,材料数据库包括有标准和特殊材料 (泡沫混合材料, LSOH , XLPE )。 Rosendahl Maschinen GmbH – Austria Fax : +43 3113 5100 59 Email : office@rosendahlaustria.com Website : www.rosendahlaustria.com Among the new developments on the Sikora stand will be Fiber Laser 6003 for the diameter measurement of bare fibres. Using this new measuring principle the diameter of optical fibres from 50 micrometers can be measured with an accuracy of ± 0.05 micrometers. This is believed to be ten times more precise than a conventional measuring system. A measurement speed of 2,500 measurements per second gives precise single values and high accuracy, even at high draw speeds. Statistical analyses are directly taken in the gauge head. By using FFT-analysis the spinning, vibration frequency and position of the fibre in the measuring field can be accurately defined. Non-conformities occurring during production or coating, caused by Sikora AG Stand: 9A41
监控屏显示裸纤维直径,以及涂装之后 的直径。在云图上,测量范围内的纤维 位置可见
在该展位上新开发的产品是光纤激光机 6003 ,用于裸纤维直径测量。利用光纤 直径测量新原则,可测量到 50 微米,精 度为 ±0.05 微米。相信比传统测量系统 要精准 10 倍。 测量速度是 2500 测量单位/秒,测量数 据是单值,精度高,在高拉制速度下也 是如此。统计分析直接记录在测量规头 上。
使用 FFT -分析旋压加工,振动频率和测 量范围内的光纤位置都能准确定义。
Rosendahl ▲ 推出新的增大型十字头系列产 品
wire 2010 - New Products on show April 12 th – 16 th 2010
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