WCA March 2010
wire 2010
究项目的第一项成果;公司还将发布其 在 2010 年夏季准备行动的新装置建设计 划。
electrical consumption, and to reduce polluting emissions. The first results of this research programme will be presented at the wire Düsseldorf Exhibition during a symposium to be held in the afternoon of 15 th April 2010 at the CCD (Congress Center Düsseldorf). Newtech will also show the plans for a new plant, into which the company will move during summer 2010. Newtech is active in the field of wire enamelling and insulating machines. Its range of enamelling machines covers all sizes of round magnet wires from 0.09mm to 1.2mm for horizontal equipment, and from 0.7mm to 5mm for vertical equipment, as well as square and rectangular from 4mm 2 to 64mm 2 in both aluminium and copper.
Temperature analysis of parts and tools will also be included in NAGSIM.3d version 1.2.
Newtech Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0536 813 081
Typical images from Nagform ▼
Email : info@newtechsrl.com Website : www.newtechsrl.com
Pave Automation Ltd Stand: 12D17
British manufacturer Pave Automation Ltd will exhibit a new version of its best-selling small Axis V1 wire-bending unit. The Axis V1 Mark 2 now incorporates Pave’s advanced new operating systems technology featuring user- friendly touch screen graphics to minimise operator training. The machine is also equipped with a new bending head offering up to eight different radii. Simple and cost effective to operate, the Axis V1 Mark 2 has a capacity of up to 6.35mm (1/4") diameter. Pave’s product range includes single- and twin-head wire forming centres for a wide variety of applications. All machines are designed in-house and manufactured to stringent quality standards at the company’s facility in England.
Nagform 的典型图片
Metal Forming Systems Inc 开发并供 应成形设计和模拟软件( NAGFORM, NAGSIM.2d 和 NAGSIM.3D ),帮助用 户迅速从零件设计转入到制作工序。通 过这些产品,在投入资源之前,用户就 可以设计零件进展(使用 NAGFORM ) 和 试 验 装 置 ( 使 用 N A G S I M . 2 D / NAGSIM.3D 。 Metal Forming Systems 公司不断升级 并改善软件,在杜塞尔多夫线材展会 上,将推出 NAGFORM 和 NAGSIM 新 版本。 1.3 版本包括 NAGFORM SolidWorks 工具条。使用该 工具条,用户可以升级所有 NAGFORM 型号和序列设计的 ‘ SolidWorks ’ 3D 图。 NAGSIM.3D 1.2 版本增强和提高了网 格容量,改善了显示结果。现在,可应 用到诸如片材金属和线材拉制工具应力 分析方面的领域,有能力模拟工具弹性 变形。零件和工具的温度分析也包括在 NAGSIM.3d 1.2 版本。 Metal Forming Systems Inc – USA Fax : +1 734 981 4438 现在, NAGFORM
Vertical enamelling plant from Newtech ▼
The Axis V1 Mark 2 will be introduced ▼ at Düsseldorf
Newtech ▲ 的立式漆包机
Newtech 活跃于线材漆包和绝缘设备领 域,其漆包机系列涵盖圆磁线的所有尺 寸,从处理 0.09 毫米到 1.2 毫米的卧式机 到处理 0.7 毫米到 5 毫米的立式机、以及 4 平方毫米到 6 平方毫米的方形和矩形铝 线和铜线。 Newtech 开发其自己的技术,最近还进 入了玻璃纤维绝缘设备市场。 Newtech 正与 Turin Polytechnic 大学合 作,进行流体动态研究,与 Rumanian Research Institute 合作,进行催化研 究,以优化设备热交换,降低电消和排 放。 在杜塞尔多夫会展期间, Newtech 将于 2010 年 4 月 15 日在 CCD (杜塞尔多夫议 会中心)举行的演讲会上,展示这个研
Email : gaurav@nagform.com Website : www.nagform.com
Axis V1
Mark 2
Newtech Srl Stand: 9B75
英国制造商 Pave Automation 公司将展 出最畅销小型 Axis V1 线材折弯机的新版 本。 现在, Axis V1 Mark 2 融合 Pave 的先进 新操作系统技术,有用户操作触摸屏图 像显示,尽量减少作业员培训。机器还 配置新弯头,可提供 8 种不同的半径。 操作简单、成本低, Axis V1 Mark 2 的 能力高达 6.35 毫米( ¼" )直径。
Newtech is currently working in partnership with Turin Polytechnic University on a fluid dynamics research project, and with a Rumanian Research Institute on catalysis.
The targets are to optimise heat exchange on equipment thus reducing
wire 2010 - New Products on show April 12 th – 16 th 2010
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