WCA July 2007
Editorial Index
Ascade AB.................................. 18, 19 Borouge.................................. 8, 22, 26 Boxy SpA.................................... 63, 64 E Braude (London) Ltd...................... 43 BWE Ltd...................................... 38, 51 Cables 2007................................ 14, 22 Calmec Precision Ltd........................ 64 Cersa-MCI. ................................. 45, 52 China Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co Ltd............. 18 Coleman Cable Inc..................... 41, 51 Cropico Ltd....................................... 49 DSM China Ltd........................... 16, 19 DSM Engineering Plastics Indian Private Ltd......... 6, 24 DSM Group................................. 10, 22 Esteves-DWD (Shanghai) Diamond Dies Co Ltd. .................... 43 Eurasia Mining Plc.............................. 8 Fenn Technologies...................... 59, 67 Fine International Corporation.... 60, 65 Friedrich Gustav Theis Kaltwalzwerke GmbH........... 24
GER SA....................................... 39, 54 GKS Inspection Services.................. 53 H & K Messe GmbH & Co KG..... 17, 21 Infor................................................... 53 ITRI Ltd............................................. 12 KFM Kabelmaschinenfabrik Müller GmbH.................................. 48 Laser Design Inc......................... 48, 54 Lati USA Inc...................................... 16 Lesjöfors AB. ................................ 6, 19 Lifting Solutions............................ 9, 26 M+E Macchine + Engineering Srl............................ 48 Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd. .............................. 7, 21 Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd. ....... 6, 19 Nexans............................ 12 , 17 , 24, 48 Nextrom OY................................ 58, 65 Meccanica Nicoletti Srl............... 62, 66 Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG.......... 11 , 19, 63, 67 Norwalk Innovation Inc............... 59, 67 Pourtier-Gauder Group............... 47, 54
Q8Oils......................................... 41, 52 Queins & Co GmbH.................... 63, 65 Rad-Con Inc................................ 14, 26 Rautomead Ltd........................... 38, 51 Reelex Packaging Solutions Inc...................... 10 , 24, 46 Roblon Engineering. ................... 62, 66 Rofin.................................................. 51 Rusal............................................. 6, 24 Shanghai NanYang Electrical Equipment Co Ltd.......... 47 SMS Group......................................... 9 SMS Meer......................................... 18 Southwire.......................................... 11 Teurema Técnica Europea de Maquinaria SL...... 39, 54 Tycab Australia Pty Ltd..................... 53 Joachim Uhing KG GmbH & Co....................... 38, 52 Wyrepak Industries Inc............... 58, 66 Xinhua Metal Products Co Ltd........................ 12, 26 YMD Engineering LLC. ............... 60, 66
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Contents in this issue
Editor ( 编辑 ): ................................................ David Bell Features Editor – USA ( 专栏编辑 – 美国 ): .............................. Dorothy Fabian Editorial Assistant ( 助理文字编辑 ): ................................ Christian Bradley Design/Production ( 设计/制作 ): ............ Julie Tomlin Production ( 制作 ): ................................ Lisa Benjamin Translation ( 翻译经理 ): ............................... Tony Zhou Jianye Yang Sales Manager ( 广告销售经理 ): .............. Paul Browne Advertising/Marketing : ................ Giuliana Benedetto ( 广告/营销 ): Italian speaking sales Hendrike Griffin German speaking sales Linda Li 中文区域营销 Jeroo Vandrevala Indian sales Advertisement Coordinator ( 广告联络人 ): .............................................. Liz Hughes Accounts Manager ( 财务经理 ): .... Richard Babbedge Subscriptions ( 订阅) ............................ Liz Hughes Publisher ( 发行人 ): ........................... Caroline Sullens Founder ( 创办人 ): ................................... John C Hogg
6 2 2
Editorial Index
Industry News
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19 行业新闻 27 Telecom News 29 通信新闻
USA ( 美国 )
38 Technology News 51 技术与产品 30 From the Americas 34 来自美国的消息 76 Advertisers Index 76 广告索引
Editorial ( 编辑 ) Intras Ltd – Dorothy Fabian 272 First Avenue, Apt 12G New York, NY 10009, USA
Tel ( 电话 ): .................... +1 212 614 9266 Fax ( 传真 ): .................. +1 212 614 9266 Email ( 电子邮址 ): ........ dfabian@rcn.com
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US copies only : Wire & Cable ASIA (ISSN No. 0218-3277) is published bi-monthly by INTRAS Ltd and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. Postmaster : send address changes to Wire & Cable ASIA , PO Box 437, Emigsville PA 17318-0437.
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
E vent/
56 wire Southeast Asia Preview
56 东南亚线缆展预览 曼谷 – 位于经济高速发展的心脏地区 – 将于十月份举办 2007 东 南亚线缆 / 管道展览会。 56 页和 57 页是最新的参展商目录,千万不要错过九月刊展会专辑。 View an up-to-date list of exhibitors on pages 56 and 57 and make sure you get September’s show edition. Bangkok – at the heart of one of the most dynamic economies in the region – will stage wire/Tube Southeast Asia 2007 in October this year.
F eature/
58 Pay-offs, Take-ups & Winding Systems
In command of their technology and acutely aware of the fine lines of the balance sheet, these experts are in a group near the end of the production cycle and true specialists in their chosen field.
64 放线、收线和绕线系统
提高技术水平,敏锐的关注资产负债表,这些专业公司应属于线缆生产流程的 末端工序,他们是这一领域的真正专家。
T echnical Articles/
68 Quantec Advances in
Compounding Technology By Colin Richardson, Buss AG, Switzerland
73 Quantec 混合技术的进步 作者: Colin Richardson ,瑞士 Buss AG
The Technical Journal for the Wire, Cable & Wire Product Industries in Asia 亚洲电线、电缆及线材制品行业的技术期刊
Whenyouhave finishedwith thismagazineplease recycle it
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
New India plant for DSM
Royal DSM NV (DSM) is to build a new engineering plastics plant in India.
The plant, for producing engineering plastics compounds, will be in the Ranjangaon MIDC industrial zone, 60km from Pune, and will triple the capacity for the production of Akulon ® PA6, Arnite ® PBT and PET and Stanyl ® PA46 in India. These materials are used in manufacturing moulded components for the automotive, electrical and electronics, consumer and industrial segments. Being one of the world’s fastest growing economies, India has an important place in DSM’s Vision 2010 strategy, as one of the three pillars of this strategy is growth in emerging economies. The new plant will be fully equipped with best-in-class safety, health and environment compliance systems and will use state-of-the-art compounding technology. The new facility will enable DSM to meet the growing demand from the Indian market during the next few years
DSM – tripling capacity in India
while its design will also allow for future capacity expansions. DSM Engineering Plastics India Private Ltd – India Fax : +91 2040 26 14 Email : media.relations@dsm.com Website : www.dsm.com
Messe Düsseldorf China on the move Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd, has moved its Shanghai office to Units 307-308, Tower 1, German Centre for Industry and Trade, Shanghai, 88 Keyuan Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai 201203. Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd – China Fax : +86 21502 78128 Email : shanghai@mdc.com.cn Website : www.mdc.com.cn Banks join forces for new loan deal Rusal – one of the world’s top-three aluminium producers – has secured a syndicated loan of US$500m to bring the Khakas Aluminium Smelter, Russia, up to full capacity and refinance the previously secured loans. The following banks joined the transaction in the syndication phase – Calyon, BLB, HSBC, Mizuho, Natixis, Sberbank of Russia, SG and SMBC.
Lesjöfors acquires European Springs and Pressing Ltd
Spring manufacturer Lesjöfors has continued its acquisition trail with the purchase of UK business, European Springs and Pressing Ltd.
European Springs and Pressing manufactures springs and flat strip components, primarily for the British market.
The company, which has 130 employees, has enjoyed high growth and good profitability for a number of years, boasting operations in both London and Cornwall. The acquisition marks the second in six months for Lesjöfors – having recently acquired spring maker Harris Springs – and cements the company’s position as one of the UK’s fastest growing spring manufacturers and supports its overall strategy to grow within Europe through an increased local presence. In the UK, European Springs and Pressing’s customer base will allow Lesjöfors to increase its sales activities through offering its product range, especially gas springs. In turn, European Springs and Pressing will have full access to Lesjöfors companies in Latvia and China, to further strengthen its competitiveness. European Springs and Pressing will continue to be managed by its current owners, as Lesjöfors begins the process of enhancing cooperation between the company and its existing operations in the UK.
Rusal – Russia Fax : +7 495 720 5171 Email : info@rusal.ru Website : www.rusal.ru
Lesjöfors AB – Sweden Email : info@lesjoforsab.com
Fax : +46 5421 0810
Website : www.lesjoforsab.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
90% of wire Southeast Asia space booked already
Calendar of Events 2007 September 5-7: 2007 China International Wire and Cable Industry Conference and Exhibition (Wireshow 2007) – conference and exhibition Organisers : Shanghai Electrical Cable Research Institute (SECRI) Website : www.secri.com 19-20: Fastener Fair Stuttgart – trade exhibition – Stuttgart, Germany Organisers : Fastener Fair Stuttgart Website : www.fastenerfair.com October 2-4: Metaltech 2007 – trade exhibition – Sao Paulo, Brazil Organisers : Grupo Cipa Website : www.metaltech.tmp.br 10-12: WireCable China – trade exhibition – Beijing, China Organisers : Beijing Zhenwei Exh- ibition Co Ltd Website : www.wirecablechina.com.cn 16-18: wire Southeast Asia 2007 – trade exhibition – Bangkok, Thailand Organisers : Messe Düsseldorf Asia Website : www.wire-southeastasia.com Bangkok Seminar – technical seminar – Bangkok, Thailand 31-2 Nov: Cabling Wiring 2007 – technical trade show – Kiev, Ukraine Organisers : TDS-EXPO & JV Trade House ‘Welding’ Website : www.wire-ukraine.com November conference – Bologna, Italy Organisers : ACIMAF, CET, IWMA & WAI Website : www.iwma.org 17: Non-ferrous Organisers : IWMA, ITA Website : www.iwma.org 5-7: Wire ’07 Bologna –
More than 90% of available space has already been booked for this year’s wire Southeast Asia and Tube Southeast Asia in Bangkok from 16 th -18 th October. Staged at the city’s BITEC centre, the relocation of this event to Thailand from Singapore has met with world- wide approval. IWCEA President Dr Horst Birkmann said: “Southeast Asia is still an emerging market and its growth is fuelled by Asia’s incumbent super powers of India and China. “The Southeast Asian economies are free from restrictions and we believe that Bangkok is a good place to gain strong access into the region. As it is, both Thailand and Vietnam have tremendous market potential and will no doubt have great impact in Southeast Asia.” International Wire & Machinery Association (IWMA) chairman Peter Large remarked that the last exhibition in Singapore ‘was an unqualified success with a good attendance of quality visitors.’ “However, it was time for a change and the International Wire & Machinery Association was a leading advocate of a move to Bangkok, at the heart of one of the most dynamic economies in the region. “The new location is truly the gateway to other important developing markets like Vietnam as well as Malaysia and
Indonesia and the IWMA will have an excellent opportunity to widen its membership appeal,” he added. Exhibitors are also lauding the move to locate the show in Thailand. Commenting on his company’s rationale for exhibiting at wire Southeast ASIA, Brad Scherer, vice president, international operations, at Fort Wayne Wire Die, said: “The GDP growth rate of the southeast Asian region is among the highest in the world and Thailand has historically been at the forefront of this growth, partly because of their regional leadership role in the automotive industry. “Additionally, Bangkok is geographically located in the centre of the region and has been rapidly improving its infrastructure to handle such [major] events. “Finally, the wire industry is quite well established in Thailand, with many foreign owned companies having established manufacturing plants there to serve the local market, comple- menting the many Thai-owned wire production enterprises that are also present.” For more information, please visit the respective trade fairs’ websites at www.wire-southeastasia.com and www.tube-southeastasia.com. Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd – Singapore Fax : +65 6337 4633 Email : wire@mda.com.sg Website : www.wire-southeastasia.com
11-14: IWCS – conference – Florida, USA Organisers : IWCS Website : www.iwcs.org
The move to Bangkok, Thailand, has met with worldwide approval ▲
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
Borouge plans for growth with new marketing office in Singapore Borouge, a provider of plastics solutions in the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa, has moved its Singapore marketing company headquarters to a prestigious new location in the heart of the city, from April. The opening of the new, larger office reflects the continued growth of the company’s production and sales activities in the region and the Middle East. The marketing company’s annual turnover exceeded US$1 billion in 2006. The high specification office, located in Singapore’s central business district, has an area of 30,000ft 2 – three times the size of the old office – and will eventually house up to 75 employees. provides leadership to its sales offices and distributor network in 18 countries across Asia Pacific and the Middle East, as well as business manage- ment, strategic development, human resource, customer service, regional The Singapore office
sales for Asia Pacific, technical service and finance support. The location was chosen for its strategic geographic position, excellent infrastructure and strong global trading links. As part of the company’s strategic growth plans, the expansion of the Singapore office will provide the staffing and infrastructure resources required to support additional capacity coming online from Borouge 2, Borouge’s multi- billion dollar expansion project at its production site in Ruwais, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This project is set to triple the company’s production capacity of polymers made using Borstar ® technology to 2 million tons per annum by 2010. Borouge, through its parent company Borealis, has a history with Singapore which spans 15 years. The company first opened its Singapore headquarters in 1998, in Alexandra Technopark with around 10 staff. Today, the organisation has 55 staff, representing more than 10 nationalities.
Striking it rich! Eurasia Mining has made a new platinum group metals discovery on its licence at Volchetundra in North West Russia, where the first US $10m of exploration is funded by Anglo Platinum. A drill hole on the northern half of the licence area intersected several zones of platinum mineralisation, with grades between 1.9 and 11 grams per ton of platinum and palladium. Volchetundra, near the city of Monchegorsk on Russia’s Kola Peninsula, is one of three licences held within the Eurasia/Anglo Platinum joint venture in the region. Initial appraisal work is also underway on the other licences, Monchetundra and West Imandra.
Eurasia Mining Plc – UK Fax : +44 207 493 8858
Borouge – Singapore Email : info@borouge.com Website : www.borouge.com
Email : schaff@eurasia-mining.plc.uk Website : www.eurasiamining.co.uk
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
Lifting Solutions completes its largest ever steel rope order
Lifting Solutions provided steel wire rope for the opening ceremony at the Doha Games ▲
Lifting Solutions, UK, has completed a major contract for the 15 th Asian Games in Doha, held recently in the Gulf state of Qatar. The company was the main lifting equipment supplier to Stage One, the main contractor on this aspect of the project, and supplied 65km of dry finish (unlubricated) steel wire rope, with diameters ranging from 5mm-18mm, plus associated rigging. The steel wire rope supplied by Lifting Solutions enabled Stage One, who had been commissioned to supply all of the aerial engineering and associated automation for the opening and closing ceremonies, to overcome one of its greatest technical challenges. David Nixon, of Lifting Solutions, who worked on the order for several months, said: “This is without doubt our biggest ever single order of wire rope, and we’re over the moon that we have been able to supply another major international games.” Lifting Solutions had previously been involved in the opening and closing ceremonies for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, again as the main supplier of lifting equipment, and also assisted Stage One with specialist provision of lifting equipment for both the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games and the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics. The company also created a supporting structure of steel wire rope to hold up what is believed to be Europe’s largest ever banner, for the IOC London 2012 Evaluation Committee visit to London last February.
Lifting Solutions – UK Fax : +44 1709 899 011
Email : sales@lifting-solutions.co.uk Website : www.lifting-solutions.co.uk
Group’s increase in orders and sales The SMS group – comprising companies in metallurgical plant and rolling mill technology, tube, long product and forging technology as well as plastics technology – significantly increased its order intake in 2006 to €3,235 million and its sales to €2,826 million. The company has a total of 8,999 employees globally.
SMS Group – Germany Fax : +49 211 881 4386
Email : info@sms-group.com
Website : www.sms-group.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
Lawsuit over trademark settled Reelex Packaging Solutions, Inc (formerly Windings, Inc), USA, has announced that it has settled its lawsuit against Commodity Cables Inc. Reelex had sued the company over the unauthorised use of its REELEX ® trademark. In the settlement, Commodity Cables acknowledged that it had violated Reelex’s trademark rights, and agreed to pay Reelex for all attorneys fees and costs as well as unspecified additional monetary damages. Commodity also agreed to destroy any inventory containing the trademark, cease unauthorised use of the trademark,
and identify the Chinese manufacturer who supplied Commodity with the counterfeit packaging. Tom Copp, president of Reelex, said: “We are pleased to have reached an expedient and amicable resolution to our lawsuit. We feel it is important to take these actions when necessary to protect the interests of our authorised licensees and to help stem the importation of counterfeit, inferior coils that compete unfairly with the genuine Reelex coils produced by our licensees.”
Reelex Packaging Solutions Inc – USA Fax : +1 845 878 7884 Email : sales@reelex.com
Website : www.reelex.com
Shareholders make new appointment to DSM managing board of shareholders of DSM, Netherlands, has appointed Stephan B Tanda as a member of the company’s managing board, as of 1 st May 2007. Mr Tanda studied mechanical and plastics engineering at the University of Leoben, Austria, and business administration at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, and started his career in 1991 with DuPont in Switzerland. In 2000 he became president of Protein Technologies International Inc and later president and CEO of the Solae Company, USA, a joint venture between DuPont and Bunge in the area of food innovation and food ingredient manufacturing. Since 2004, Mr Tanda has been president and CEO of Freudenberg Nonwovens, Germany and USA. DSM is active worldwide in nutritional and pharma ingredients, performance materials and industrial chemicals. The company’s products are used in a wide range of end markets and applications such as human and animal nutrition and health, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, auto- motive and transport, coatings, housing, electrics and electronics. The General Meeting
DSM – Netherlands Fax : +31 45 571 9753 Email : info@dsm.com Website : www.dsm.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
New Indian factory for Niehoff
Maschinenfabrik Niehoff opened a new plant in India at the beginning of February, representing an investment of US$1.5m. Located in a new industrial dev- elopment area near Hyderabad and boasting production facilities spanning around 3,500m², the production area includes a manufacturing shop for mechanical components, a warehouse, a paint shop, an assembly area, a test area, and a showroom for machines and assemblies. The need for the building and its modern equipment arose when it became apparent that the manu- facturing capacities of Niehoff of India (NoI) – Niehoff’s Indian subsidiary – had to be brought into line with the requirements of the growing Indian market and to be able to further expand NoI’s position as market leader in India. The country is also a strategic location for the future of the Niehoff Group with a view to extending business
The new Niehoff of India (NoI) factory
operations surrounding countries, especially the Asian markets. NoI currently employs 43 staff and is expecting sales figures in the region of US$ 6.6m (€5m) in the 2006/07 trading year. Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 912297 7155 Email : info@niehoff.de Website : www.niehoff.de to the
Bound for Turkey
Southwire Technologies, operating out of Georgia, USA, has signed a contract with Oznur Kablo for an SCR continuous rod casting system in Turkey. The contract calls for a 12 tons per hour copper rod system including a 9 stand Morgan rolling mill. The system will be capable of producing rod sizes ranging from 8mm-16mm. SCR
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
Nexans opens new plant in China Nexans, France, held a grand opening ceremony on 22 nd March to mark the official start of production in Nanning, Guangxi Province, China. The new plant, Nexans’ third wholly- owned facility in the country, produces telecommunication and signalling cables for the railway infrastructure market, and represents a major step in improving Nexans’ geographic cov- erage of China. Initially Nexans Nanning will mainly manufacture copper telecom cables used in switching, transmission and DSL access for fixed and mobile networks, including multi-pair cables for both indoor and outdoor telecom applications. To take advantage of the rapid expansion of conventional tracks and high speed lines in China’s rail network, the new plant will also start offering railway signalling cables (station range access cables, signalling and control cables, axle counter and balise cables). At the opening, Mr Michel Lemaire, executive vice president Asia-Pacific Area, said: “We see huge growth in telecom and data cable production as well as system applications in China. The annual report of Xinhua Metal Products Co, Ltd, China, issued on 28 th March, stated that the company’s total production was 177,400 tons, an increase of 26.52% compared to last year. Consolidated sales revenue was 1,005 million RMB, an increase of 21.55%, while net profit increased 69.73% to 53.673 million RMB. An announcement about important related party transactions was issued on 2 nd April, specifically a non-open issuing of new stock – not more than 1,310 million shares. The main share holder, Xinyu Iron and Steel, will buy at least 70% of the new shares, which are not transferable in 36 months with its main assets. The other parties will pay an amount not more than two billion RMB. Their shares will be not transferable in 12 months.
The opening ceremony of the Nexans Nanning plant ▲
wholly-owned China producing telecom, LAN and special industrial cables, a logistics centre and three sales offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. Nexans – France Fax : +33 15669 8484 Email : nexans.web@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com Indonesia’s commitment over global tin supply Following discussions with tin industry body ITRI, Indonesia’s Minister of Energy and Resources, Professor Purnomo Yusgiantoro, stated that Indonesia will make every effort to maintain tin supplies to the global market. Indonesian production has sharply reduced since last October by official efforts to regulate small-scale mining and independent smelter operations. ITRI estimates that its refined tin production this year will amount to 90,000 tons, down from more than 125,000 tons in 2006. plants in
“That’s the reason why the Group has not hesitated to invest in order to have local large-capacity production plants in the most strategic locations. “The setting up of a new factory in Nanning fits into this business logic.” Nexans entered the Chinese market in the mid-1980s, and has three be less than average stock price (code 600782 on the Shanghai Stock Exchange) of 20 days before announcement – not less than 5.373 RMB per share. The final price will be decided based on market situation and negotiating with the underwriter. The cash will be used for five projects, such as investment in manufacturing of wire and cable, including low relaxation pre- stressing steel strand, galvanising wire for pre-stressing, special conductor and oil-tempered spring wire, and the first phase of a 1,580mm sheet steel project, from agglomeration to hot and cold rolling mill. Xinhua Metal Products Co, Ltd – China Fax : +86 790 6460 999 Email : info@xinhuametal.com Website : www.xinhuametal.com
70% rise in profits from Xinhua Metal
ITRI Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1727 871 341
Email : info@tintechnology.com Website : www.tintechnology.com View online at www.read-wca.com
The par value of the new shares will be one RMB and the price will not
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
Cables 2007 discusses current issues
The 7 th Applied Market Information (AMI) international conference on Cables was hailed a big success. The event, at the Maritim Hotel in Cologne, Germany, in March heard Kerry Satterthwaite (AMI) give an excellent overview of the European cable industry. Around 2% of the plastics processors in Europe are cable producers and polymer consumption varies in different geographic regions, despite EU efforts to harmonise the industry. A primary focus of the conference was the new European Construction Products Directive – wires and cables are now considered building materials. This new legislation classifies cables by their fire safety performance and the testing protocols are still being worked out as described by Terry Journeaux, of Prysmian Cables & Systems. The problem is to develop repeatable and reproducible standards so that accredited laboratories all give the same fire classification for the same cables. There is a lot of cable in modern buildings and as electrical failure is a common cause of ignition, cable fire performance can be critical. David Kiddoo, of AlphaGary, gave a spectacular presentation including live video clips of cable fire testing to different safety standards, from the Steiner Tunnel to the riser cable test. He commented on combustion toxicity, a topic also addressed by Dr Rick Whiteley. Dow Corning has also been carrying out fire testing – on a variety of new compounds under development. Vivien Kilian (Albermarle) examined trends in automotive wire and cable. Materials differ in different global regions and include PVC, or XLPE and PP with flame retardants.
Guests at Cables 2007
The paper examined potential future trends in flame retardants. Elastogran has TPU materials for cable applications – around 50% of use is in automotive applications where the company has worked on flat cable technology for automated installation. PolyOne has examined the hot oil resistance of compounds for appli- cations such as railways, offshore, marine, military and machinery. The key application discussed by Borealis was data cable, a sector driven by the rapid growth in IT and communications systems. The trend is to install as advanced a cable as possible to anticipate demand. There are issues with ‘crosstalk’ between cables and this requires the development of new test protocols and standards. New materials for cables were introduced at the conference including metallocene-based elastomers (Exxon
Mobil), elastomer modified poly- phenylene sulphide for high temperature wire coating (Chevron Phillips Chemicals), halogen-free flame retardant compounds (AlphaGary, Arkema and Budenheim), electron beam cured elastomers (Lanxess), coupling agents for halogen-free polyolefins (DuPont de Nemours) and silanes for faster crosslinking of PE (Degussa). Dow Wire & Cable is working on new semi-conductive compounds to speed up production. Herbert Baur talked about the design of bedding compounds, which lie between the insulating compound and the cable sheath. Compatibility is important and factors such as plasticiser migration have been studied as it can have a major effect on long- term performance. Dr Gunter Beyer, of Kabelwerk Eupen, has been working on nanocomposite flame retardants for the cable industry. In his experience, layered double hydroxides have a major synergistic effect with halogen and non-halogen flame retardants. They appear to act by altering the degradation pathway and imparting barrier properties. Cables 2008 is moving to a larger capacity conference hall and has been scheduled for 3 rd -5 th March 2008 in the Maritim Hotel, Cologne, Germany.
RAD-CON Restructuring
RAD-CON, Inc, USA, a manufacturer of industrial heat processing equipment, has announced a management reorganisation and ownership change. David Blackman has taken over the position of president from Brice Blackman, who has retired after 25 years’ service. Day-to-day operations will be managed by vice presidents Christopher Messina and Michael McDonald, who have also acquired Brice Blackman’s shares, and Chris Williams and Arno Muennich have been promoted to engineering directors.
Cables 2007 – UK Fax : +44 117 311 1534 Email : rm@amiplastics.com Website : www.amiplastics.com
RAD-CON Inc – USA Email : sales@rad-con.com
Fax : +1 440 871 2948 Website : www.rad-con.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
New president for DSM China Wei-Ming Jiang, currently senior vice president Strategic Projects Asia at DSM’s Corporate Planning Department, was appointed president DSM China on 1 st May. He succeeds Stefan Sommer, who will continue his assignment as strategic advisor to DSM’s Managing Board. The appointment of Wei-Ming Jiang underlines the strategic importance DSM attaches to China as an emerging market. “Increasing our presence in emerging economies is a key driver of our Vision 2010 strategy,” said Jan Zuidam, deputy chairman of DSM’s Managing Board. “For China our target is to achieve sales of more than US$1 billion by 2010, which represents a doubling compared to 2005. I would like to thank Stefan Sommer for his valuable contribution to the fast development of DSM China. The appointment of Wei-Ming Jiang shows DSM’s ongoing commitment to China and underlines our firm belief that China will contribute significantly to our Vision 2010 ambitions.” Before he joined DSM, Mr Jiang worked for Novozymes for 15 years in several management positions in Asia-Pacific and China. He was actively involved in the development of a biotech-industry platform in China. He also contributed to an increased awareness and implementation of sustainable entrepreneurship in China, amongst other things in his capacity as vice-chairman of the China Business Council for Sustainable Development, a position which he will continue to fulfil as president of DSM China.
Sale of Lati USA plant Lati USA Inc has completed its North American market re- organisation through the sale of the facility located in Deming Way, Summerville, South Carolina, to the company Force Protection Technologies Inc. Lati USA will continue commercial activity across the North American market, distributing its materials from the plants of its parent company based in northern Italy. The new office is now in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The company will focus its sales on high range compounds, special and high performance products.
Lati USA Inc – USA Fax : +1 843 881 8352 Email : info@us.lati.com
Lati Industria Termoplastici SpA – Italy Fax : +39 0332 409 307 Email : info@lati.com Website : www.lati.com
DSM China Ltd – China
Fax : +86 10 6530 9282 Website : www.dsm.com
Email : china.communications@dsm.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
Records fall to Nexans
Cable records will fall in Shanghai
Nexans has won a €35m order to manufacture and install a 17km, 500kV underground power cable to link Snibo and Sanlin substations in Shanghai. The circuit, to be installed on behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Co Ltd, will establish two world records – the first intra-city 500kV cable and the first 500kV XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene insulated) cable with a cross-sectional area of 2,500mm 2 . This contract forms part of a global infrastructure project to meet Shanghai’s constantly growing demand for power, with the city’s consumption estimated to reach 125 billion kWh by 2010. The project includes the construction of a 17km underground tunnel to carry two 500kV circuits. Nexans will manufacture and install a total of 51km 500kV XLPE cable. The cable will be laid as three separate 17km lengths within the cable tunnel, one for each phase of the 3-phase electricity supply, and will require more than 100 HV (high voltage) joints. Nexans is using an innovative cable technology for this high voltage application, with a metallic screen in smooth laminated aluminium. This is a much lighter solution than the conventional lead or corrugated aluminium sheath and will make installation easier.
The cable will be manufactured in Nexans’ Charleroi factory in Belgium and will be installed between the end of 2007 and 2009. The project should be completed in a 30-month period. Nexans – France Fax : +33 15669 8484 Email : info@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com Lightweight components exhibition euroLITE – the European specialist trade fair for the design and serial production of lightweight components – goes from strength-to-strength. Staged at the Salzburg Exhibition Centre, Austria, from 26 th -28 th June, euroLITE is seeing an increasing number of exhibitors booking space at Europe’s only dedicated lightweight construction trade fair. In addition to exhibitor information, the organisers H & K Messe GmbH & Co KG and MesseZentrum Salzburg GmbH have arranged an attractive and informative supporting programme.
H & K Messe GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 721 5704 4422 Email : info@hundkmesse.de Website : www.eurolite-expo.eu
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Industry News
Ironing out those telecom problems
Heading for Beijing? The China International Exhibition for Cable and Wire (CW China) is being staged in Beijing, China, between 10 th and 12 th October 2007. Hosted by the China Machinery Industry Federation, China Non- ferrous Metals Processing Industry Association and the Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co, CW China is a comprehensive exhibition covering cable and wire production equipment, technology and raw materials. Visitors will be able to meet with suppliers of raw materials, semi- finished and finished products, surface treatment and producers of machinery, plant and equipment, trade and service providers. A further three exhibitions will be held at the same time – the China International Exhibition for Aluminum Industry (AlChina), the China International Exhibition for Copper Industry (CuChina) and the China International Exhibition for Titanium Industry (TiChina). On show will be special equipment for wire and cable, fibre optic and optical cable; wire manufacturing and finishing machinery; raw materials and auxiliary processing materials; measuring, control technology and test equipments; wires, special wires and wire productions; and cable and wire enclosures and wire connectors. China International Exhibition for Cable and Wire – China Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co Ltd Fax : +86 105823 6567 Email : lixiang@chinazhenwei.com.cn Website : www.wirecablechina.com.cn
New high speed wire rod outlet Hunan Valin Xiangtan Iron & Steel Ltd, China, has placed an order with SMS Meer, Germany, for the supply of a new high speed wire rod outlet for quality steels. Within the framework of this order, SMS Meer is to supply the complete rolling technology, the cooling technology and the key components of the mechanical equipment. These include CantiLever stands (CL), rotary shears, a six stand wire rod block, a four-stand FRS block (Flexible Reduction and Sizing) as well as the pinch roll unit and loop laying head. In addition, the mill will employ the CCT (Controlled Cooling Technology) developed by SMS Meer. For the remaining equipment, SMS Meer will supply the detail engineering. The mill is scheduled to go into production in January 2008. Korea Telecom has extended its partnership with telecoms software company Ascade by enlarging the carrier cockpit suite to include quality testing capabilities. Today’s telecom networks are faced with a variety of factors that can negatively degrade the quality of service, and detecting problems before they become major issues is a true challenge. Ascade’s test calling solution allows for pro-active testing and verification of quality of service, enabling telecommunication providers to gain competitive advantages and to guarantee prime quality for various types of services, including voice, fax, modem, CLI etc. “Ascade’s Test Calling System (TCS) and Calling Line Identification (CLI) Verification Service allow our company to stay in front of competitors by testing the quality of routes, and ensuring CLI is delivered to certain countries, thus giving our roaming customers a peace of mind when they travel abroad,” said Mr Seong Ho Part, director of Global Business Unit at Korea Telecom. “Level of quality is the baseline in which end-customers established their perception of a service or product. Ascade is pleased to provide KT with the means of pro-active quality testing and monitoring, allowing KT to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction or potentially even increasing it,” added Henrik Anderberg, CEO of Ascade. Ascade AB – Sweden Fax : +46 8545 90427 Email : sales_emea@ascade.com Website : www.ascade.com
SMS Meer – Germany Email : info@sms-group.com
Fax : +49 211 881 4386
Website : www.sms-group.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
DSM 中国的新总裁
姜伟明(音译 Wei-Ming Jiang )目前是 DSM 公司计划部亚洲战略项目的高级副 总裁,他于 5 月 1 日被任命为 DSM 中国总 裁。 他接替 StefanSommer , StefanSommer 将继续担任 DSM 董事会的战略顾问。 姜伟明的任命说明 DSM 看重中国这个崛 起市场的战略重要性。 “ 加 强 我 们 在 崛 起 经 济 区 域 中 地 位是我们 2010 战略的一个关键驱 动 力 , ” DSM 董 事 会 副 主 席 J a n Zuidam 说。 “我们在中国的目标是,在 2010 年 前,使销售额超过 10 亿美元。这意味 着比 2005 年翻一番。我要感谢 Stefan Sommer 对 DSM 在中国的快速发展所做 出的宝贵贡献,姜伟明的任命,说明了 DSM 对中国的承诺,说明了我们坚定的 信念,即中国将为我们达到 2010 年的目 标而做出重大贡献。” 在 加 入 D S M 前 , 姜 先 生 为 Novozymes 工作了 15 年,在亚太区和中 国担任过若干个管理职务,他活跃在中 国的生物技术 - 工业领域的开发,也为 不断加强的中国可持续职业经理人意识 和执行做出了贡献。 在担任 DSM 中国总裁的同时,他还将继 续担任中国可持续发展事业委员会副主 席。 DSM China Ltd – 中国 传真 : +86 10 6530 9282 电子邮箱 : china.communications@dsm.com 网站 : www.dsm.com
韩国电信扩展与通讯软件公司 Ascade 的合作伙伴关系,扩大载体座舱套间,从 而将质量测试能力包括在内。
当今的通讯网络面临着各种因素,它们会降低服务质量水平。一个真正的挑战 是在成为主要问题之前检测到问题。
Ascade 测试呼叫解决方案允许先行测试和验证服务质量,使通讯服务提供 商赢得竞争优越,保证提供各种优质服务,包括声音、传真、调制解调器和 CLI 等。 “ Ascade 测试呼叫系统( TCS )和呼叫线路识别( CLI )验证服务通过测试线路质 量,使我们公司领先于竞争对手,保证把 CLI 发送到指定的国家,使我们在国 外旅行的漫游用户感到安全,”韩国电信全球业务部总监 Seong Ho Part 先生 说。 “质量水平是最终用户的基准线,它使用户对服务或产品有了认识。 Ascade 很 高兴为 KT 提供先行质量测试和监测手段,使 KT 达到高水平的客户满意度,或 者甚至是进一步提高,” Ascade 执行长官 Henrik Anderberg 补充道。
Ascade AB – 瑞典
传真 : +46 8545 90427 网站 : www.ascade.com
电子邮箱 : sales_emea@ascade.com
Niehoff 在印度的新工厂 Maschinenfabrik Niehoff 在印度的一个 新工厂于 2 月初开业,投资为 150 万美 元。 工厂位于靠近海得拉巴的一个新工业开 发区,生产设施面积达 3,500 平方米, 生产区域包括一个机械元件生产车间、 一个仓库、一个油漆车间、一个装配 区、一个测试区和一个机器和装配件展 示厅。 投入这些建筑设施及其现代化设备是因 为,必须提升 Niehoff’s Indian 的分公司 Niehoff of India ( NoI )的生产能力,才
新建的 Niehoff of India (NoI) 工厂
能满足不断增长的印度市场的需求,而 且,必须进一步扩展 NoI 在印度市场领 军者的地位。 这个国家也是 Niehoff 集团未来的一个战 略要地,从而把业务操作范围扩展到周 边国家,尤其是亚洲市场。 N o I 目 前 拥 有 4 3 名 员 工 , 期 望 2006/2007 贸易年的销售额达到 660 万 美元( 500 万欧元)。每年,从 Niehoff 总 部直接发运到印度客户的商品金额约达 130 万美元( 100 万欧元)。
Lesjöfors 兼并 European Springs and Pressing Ltd
弹簧制造商 Lesjöfors 继续实施其并购事业,兼并了 European Springs and Pressing Ltd 的英国业务。 European Springs and Pressing Ltd 生产弹簧和平钢带元件,主要用于英国市 场。公司拥有 130 名员工,许多年来享有高速的增长和良好的利润,在伦敦和 康沃尔都有经营基地。 这是 Lesjöfors 在六个月内的第二次合并运作 – 之前它合并了弹簧制造商 Harris Springs – 使得公司成为英国增长最快的弹簧制造商之一,并支持了它的整体 战略,即在欧洲范围内不断加强其在本地的地位,从而获得增长。 European Springs and Pressing 在英国的客户群将增强 Lesjöfors 的销售环节, 使它能提供其产品范围,尤其是气体弹簧。反过来, European Springs and Pressing 能进入 Lesjöfors 在拉脱维亚和中国的公司,进一步加强其竞争力。
Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – 德国 传真 : +49 912297 7155 电子邮箱 : info@niehoff.de 网站 : www.niehoff.de
迁址通知 杜塞道夫展览公司上海办事处已迁 址到上海浦东张江高科科苑路德 国工贸中心一座 307-308 ,邮编: 201203 。 Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd – 中国 传真 : +86 21502 78128 电子邮箱 : shanghai@mdc.com.cn 网站 : www.mdc.com.cn
Pressing 将继续由其现在的拥有者来管理,而
Lesjöfors 则开始强化公司以及它在英国的生产经营之间的合作过程。
Lesjöfors AB – 瑞典
传真 : +46 5421 0810
电子邮箱 : info@lesjoforsab.com
网站 : www.lesjoforsab.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
“新的会展位置确实是进入其它发展中 市场的大门,例如越南、马来西亚和 印度尼西亚等国,而且, IWMA 将获得 一次很好的机会,来拓展其会员号召 力,”他补充说。 参展商也赞美这次会展移师泰国。在评 论其公司参展东南亚线展的动因时, Fort Wayne Wire Die 的国际操作副总 裁 Brad Scherer 说:“东南亚区域的 GDP 增长率在全世界处于最高位置,而 泰国历来处于该增长的前沿,部分原因 是它们在汽车工业中所发挥的区域性领 导作用。” “另外,曼谷在地理位置上处于该区域 的中心,而且快速改进其基础设施,来 应对此类[重大]会展,最终,泰国很好 地建立了线材工业,有许多外资公司在 那里建设了生产装置,为当地市场服 务,并与现有的许多泰国人拥有的线材 生产企业展开竞争。” 要了解更多的信息,请访问相关的贸 易会展网站 www.wire-southeastasia. com 和 www.tube-southeastasia.com 。 Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd – 新加坡 传真 : +65 6337 4633 电子邮箱 : wire@mda.com.sg 网站 : www.wire-southeastasia.com
东南亚线缆展 90% 的展位已 被预定 今年 10 月 16-18 日将在曼谷举行东南亚 线缆展和东南亚管件会展,其 90% 以上 的展位已被预定。
会展市场的一个重量级选手 euroLITE – 欧洲专业的贸易会展, 汇合了轻质元件的设计和系列生产 – 发展得越来越强劲。坚定地致力 于成本、原料和能源的制造成本节 约,同时降低重量和改进动力学。 euroLITE 会展将于 6 月 26-28 日在奥 地利的 Salzburg 会展中心举行,是在 欧洲举行的轻质建筑材料专业贸易会 展,预定展台的参展商正在不断增 加。 除了提供参展商信息外,组织者 H & K Messe GmbH & Co KG 和 MesseZentrum Salzburg GmbH 还组 织了一次引人入胜的信息支持活动。 会展设有轻质建筑材料专业演讲 论坛,还包括研究和开发区,维 也纳科技大学和 Leichtbau-Cluster Landshut 也将出席大会。 H & K Messe GmbH & Co KG – 德国 传真 : +49 721 5704 4422 电子邮箱 : info@hundkmesse.de 网站 : www.eurolite-expo.eu
会展在该市的 BITEC 中心举行,将会展从 新加坡移到泰国得到了全球性的赞同。
IWCEA 总裁 Horst Birkmann 博士 说:“东南亚仍然是一个正在崛起的市 场,其增长能量源于印度和中国义不容 辞的超级动力。” “东南亚经济区没有受到任何限制,我 们还相信曼谷是进入该区域的一个很好 的地方。确实,泰国和越南拥有巨大的 市场潜力,而且,它们将毫无疑问地影 响到东南亚。” 国际线材机械协会( IWMA )主席 Peter Large 评价道,上次在新加坡的会展‘是 一次绝对的成功,高质量参展者出席率 高。’ “但是,是到了改变的时候了,国际线 材机械协会是移师曼谷的一个主要倡导 者,曼谷是泰国的中心,泰国是该区域 中最活跃经济区之一。”
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
2007 电缆会议讨论当前问题
DSM 董事会新任命
第七届电缆应用市场信息( AMI )国际会 议获得了巨大的成功。
DSM 股东大议任命 Stephan B Tanda 自 2007 年 5 月 1 日起为公司董事会董事。
该会议在德国科隆的 Maritim 酒店举行, Kerry Satterwaite ( AMI )对欧洲电缆 工业作了精彩的综述。 在欧洲,大约 2% 的塑料加工商是电缆 生产商,而且聚合物消耗量随地域而变 化,尽管欧洲共同体做出了努力,来维 持工业的和谐。
Tanda 先生曾在奥地利 Leoben 大学研究机械和塑料工程,并在美国宾夕法尼亚 大学 Wharton 商学院担任管理工作。 1991 年,他的职业生涯始于瑞士 DuPont 。 2000 年,他成为 Protein Technologies International, Inc 公司总裁,然后成为美 国 Solae Company 公司总裁和 CEO ,这是 DuPont 和 Bunge 在食品开发和食品 配料生产方面的一家合资公司。 自 2004 年起, Tanda 先生成为德国和美国合资公司 Freudenberg Nonwovens 的 总裁和 CEO . DSM 活跃于营养和药品配料、性能材料和工业化学领域。公司产品用于广阔的 最终市场和应用,例如人类和动物营养和健康、化妆品、医药、汽车和运输、 涂层、住房、电气和电子。
会议的主要焦点在于新的欧洲建设产品 法令 – 线缆现被视为建筑材料。
按照 Prysmian Cables & Systems 的 Terry Journeaux 的描述,这项新法令将 按照安全性能来划分电缆等级,而测试 协议仍在准备之中。 问题是要制定可重复、可复制的标准, 这样,认证实验室能对相同的电缆给出 相同的防火等级。 在现代化建筑中有许多电缆,而且由于 电气故障是引发火灾的一个常见原因, 所以,电缆防火性能是很关键的。 AlphaGary 的 David Kiddoo 的介绍引人 入胜,该介绍还包括针对不同安全标 准所进行的电缆防火测试现场录像,从 Steiner 隧道到上升管电缆测试,他对 Rick Whiteley 博士提出的燃烧毒性话题 作了评论。 Dow Corning 还对正在开发 中的各种新元件进行了防火测试。 Vivien Kilian ( Albermarle )阐述了汽车 线缆行业的趋势。全球各区域所使用的 材料是不同的,这些材料包括具有阻燃 性能的 PVC 、或 XLPE 和 PP 。论文还阐 述了阻燃材料的未来趋势。 Elastogran 拥有电缆用 TPU 材料 – 大 约 50% 的应用于汽车领域,这些公司已 经把扁平电缆技术用于自动安装。 PolyOne 检验了元件的抗热油能力,这 些元件用于各种应用,例如铁路、海上 作业、海洋运输、军事和机械领域。
DSM – 荷兰
传真 : +31 45 571 9753 网站 : www.dsm.com
电子邮箱 : info@dsm.com
Borouge 计划发展, 在新加坡建立新办事处
Borealis 讨论的关键应用是数据电缆, 受 IT 和通讯系统的推动,这个领域发展 得很快,其趋势是尽可能安装先进的电 缆来满足需求。这些问题都与电缆“关 联”,而且还需开发新的测试协议和标 准。 会议还介绍了新型电缆材料,包括茂 金属基弹性体( Exxon Mobil )、高温 线材涂层用改性弹性体聚亚苯基硫化 物( Chevron Phillips Chemicals )、 无卤素阻燃化合物 ( A l phaGa r y 、 Arkema 和 Budenheim )、电子束固化弹 性体( Lanxess )、无卤素聚烯烃偶合剂 ( DuPont de Nemours )、以及 PE 快速 交联用硅烷( Degussa )。 Dow Wire & Cable 正在开发能提高生产速度的新型 半导体化合物。 Baur 讨论了衬垫化合物的设 计,它介于绝缘化合物和电缆屏蔽之 间。兼容性是重要的,而且研究了诸如 增塑剂迁移之类的因素,因为它对长期 性能具有主要的影响。 Kabelwerk Eupen 的 Gunter Beyer 博士 一直在研究电缆工业用的纳米阻燃材 料,根据他的经验,层叠的双氢氧化物 对卤素和非卤素阻燃材料具有重大的协 同影响,它们是通过改变降解通道和给 予障碍性能发挥作用 的。 Herbert
Borouge 是中东、亚太和非洲塑料解决 方案的提供者,它宣布将从 2007 年 4 月 2 日起,把它在新加坡的市场营销公司 总部迁移到该城市内一个声望很高的新 址,这个新址的面积更大,它的开业反 映了公司在该区域和中东的生产和销售 环节的持续增长。市场营销公司 2006 年 销售额超过了 10 亿美元。 这个高规格的办事处位于新加坡中心业 务区,面积达 30,000 平方英尺 – 是当 前办事处的三倍 – 最终能容纳 75 名员 工。 新加坡办事处将领导亚太和中东 18 个国 家的销售办公室和经销商网络、业务管 理、人力资源、客户服务、亚太区域销 售、技术服务和财务支持。 办事处地点的选择基于其战略性地理位 置、优秀的基础设施和强大的全球贸易 网络。 作为公司战略性增长计划,扩建后的新 加坡办事处将提供人力和基础设施资 源,支持 Borouge 2 需要的额外能力, 它是 Borouge 的几十亿美元的扩建项 目,项目生产地点在阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿布扎比的 Ruwais ,项目目标是将公司 采用 Borstar ® 技术生产的聚合物生产能 力扩大三倍,到 2010 年,年生产能力达 到 200 万吨。 通过其母公司 Borealis , Borouge 与 新加坡的渊源已达 15 年之久,公司最 先于 1998 年在新加坡建立总部,位于 Alexandra Technopark ,大约有 10 名员 工,今天,该组织已拥有来自 10 多个国 家的 55 名员工。
2007 电缆会议来宾
2008 电缆会议将移到 一个规模更大的会议 厅,计划于 2008 年 3 月 3-5 日在德国科隆 的 Maritim 酒店举行。 Cables 2007 – 英国 传真 : +44 117 311 1534 电子邮箱 : rm@amiplastics.com 网站 : www.amiplastics.com
Borouge – 新加坡 电子邮箱 : info@borouge.com 网站 : www.borouge.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
Nexans 在中国的新工厂开业 法国 Nexans 于 3 月 22 日为其在中国广西南宁的生产基 地正式投产举行了一次盛大的开工典礼。这家新工厂是 Nexans 在中国独资拥有的第三个设施,生产铁路基础设 施市场生产通讯和信号电缆。这是 Nexans 为提高其在中 国的地理覆盖能力迈出了重大的一步。 最初, Nexans Nanning 主要生产铜通讯电缆,用于固定 和移动网络的开关、变送和 DSL 接入,包括室内和室外 通讯应用的多对电缆。为了利用中国铁路网络传统轨道 以及高速轨道的快速发展机遇,新工厂还开始提供铁路 信号电缆(站台范围接入电缆、信号和控制电缆、轮轴 计算器和 balise 电缆)。 在开工典礼上,亚太区执行副总裁 Michel Lemaire 先生 说:“我们看到中国通讯、数据电缆生产和系统应用的 巨大发展,这是我们集团毫不犹豫地进行投资的原因, 以便在最具战略重要性的位置拥有大型的本地生产基 地。在南宁建立一家新工厂符合这个业务逻辑。”
Nexans Nanning 工厂开业典礼
Nexans 于 1980 年代初进入中国市场,已经在中国拥有三家独资生产基地:生产通讯、 LAN 和特殊工业电缆,还在上海、 北京和香港拥有一个物流中心和三个销售办事处。
Nexans – 法国
传真 : +33 15669 8484 网站 : www.nexans.com
电子邮箱 : nexans.web@nexans.com
DSM 在印度的新工厂
它是该战略的三大支柱之一,即在崛起 的经济区域中发展。
贷款交易 Rusal – 世界上三大铝生产商之一 – 获得 5 亿美元的银团贷款,将俄罗斯 的 Khakas Aluminium Smelter 提升到全 部的生产能力,并重新融资以往获得的 贷款。 以 下 银 行 参 加 银 团 阶 段 的 交 易 – Calyon 、 BLB 、 HSBC 、 Mizuho 、 Natixis 、 Sberbank of Russia 、 SG 以及 SMBC 。
Royal DSM NV (DSM) 将在印度建设一 个新的工程塑料厂。
新工厂拥有最高等级的安全、健康和环 境符合系统,采用一流的混炼技术。在 今后的若干年内,新设施能使 DSM 满足 不断增长的印度市场的需求,而且,工 厂的设计使它具有在今后扩建的能力。 DSM Engineering Plastics India Private Ltd – 印度 传真 : +91 (2040) 26 14 电子邮箱 : media.relations@dsm.com 网站 : www.dsm.com 德国 Friedrich Gustav Theis Kaltwalzwerke GmbH 是冷轧装置的引 领者,它继续在亚洲扩展,接管了 Tata Steel Limited 公司 Cold Rolling Mill (CRM) Sisodra 装置,这次扩展反映了 亚洲市场对公司产品稳定增长的需求。 Gujarat 的 N a v s a r i , 成 立 于 1 9 6 8 年 , 是 Ahmedabad Advance Mills Limited 的金 属分公司,也是印度冷轧钢卷和热轧钢 卷引领制造商之一,目前它有 300 多名 员工,主要生产中碳和高碳含量的窄、 薄、冷轧钢卷,公司现在被称为 Theis Precision Steel India Private Limited 。 CRM Sisodra 位于印度 接管冷轧工厂
该工厂生产工程塑料化合物,它位于 Ranjangaon MIDC 工业园区,离开 Pune 60 公里。工厂的生产能力将是印度的 Akulon ® PA6 、 Arnite ® PBT 和 PET 、以 及 Stanyl ® PA46 产量的三倍。 这些材料将被用来生产模塑元件,用于 汽车、电气和电子、消费品和工业领 域。
Rusal – 俄罗斯 传真 : +7 495 720 5171 电子邮箱 : info@rusal.ru 网站 : www.rusal.ru
作为世界上发展最快的经济区域之一, 印度成为 DSM 2010 战略的一块重地,
商标诉讼结案 美国 Reelex Packaging Solutions, Inc (以前为 Windings, Inc )宣布,它已结束 了与 Commodity Cables, Inc .之间的诉讼。 Reelex 曾诉讼该公司未经许可使用 REELEX ® 商标。 Cables 承认它侵犯了 Reelex 商标权,并同意支付 Reelex 的所有律师费用和成本以及非特指的附加货币损失。 Commodity 还 同意销毁含有商标的库存,终止对该商标未经授权的使用,并识别出向 Commodity 提供假冒包装的中国制造商。 Reelex 总裁 Tom Copp 说:“我们很高兴我们的诉讼达成有利、和善的解决方 案。我们感到在必要时采取这些行动是很重要的,以保护我们获得授权的被许 可方的利益,有助于阻止进口假冒劣等线圈,它们对我们被许可方生产的真正 的 Reelex 线圈造成不公平的竞争。” Reelex Packaging Solutions, Inc – 美国 传真 : +1 845 878 7884 电子邮箱 : sales@reelex.com 网站 : www.reelex.com 结案时, Commodity
Friedrich Gustav Theis Kaltwalzwerke GmbH – 德国 传真 : +49 2331 693 270 电子邮箱 : theis@theis.de 网站 : www.theis.de
Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2007
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