WCA January 2020
India Insight
Catering for renewables
INDIA’S Adani Transmission Ltd (ATL) has received two letters of intent (LoI) to augment the country’s transmission network in the face of surging renewable additions. The first LoI was issued by PFC Consulting Ltd for a 480km 765kV Bikaner-Khetri transmission project in Rajasthan. The project is associated with long-term applications from Rajasthan Solar Energy Zone (SEZ) Part-D. With this project, the cumulative transmission network of ATL will reach 14,042 circuit kilometres of transmission line and 23,280 MVA transformation capacity. Focused on developing supporting infrastructure for renewable energy in India, the company aims to establish 20,000km of transmission lines by 2022. Adani Transmission has also received a LoI from REC Transmission Projects Company for a transmission project in Gujarat. The 272km project with 765kV line and 3,000 MVA transformation capacity will be established on a build, own, operate and maintain basis for 35 years.
❍ Surging renewable additions in India
This project will be constructed to strengthen the transmission system to relieve the overloads identified in the Gujarat intra-state system due to the injection of renewable energy in Bhuj. Adani Transmission www.adanitransmission.com
Bigstockphoto.com “Taj Mahal sunset silhouette in Agra, India” Photographer: David Evison
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