WCA January 2019
Technology news
The Wraptor helps to increase production efficiency
resistance and comes in a wide range of colours, and the B-499 nylon cloth wraparound label adds dirt, heat, cold and chemical resistance. Both these labels work seamlessly with the Wraptor A6500. For the BSP45 sleeve applicator, Brady recommends its B-342, B-7646 and B-7641 sleeves, which include diesel-resistant or low-smoke, zero-halogen properties. All iden- tification materials have been tested using standard ASTM test methods for optimal reliability. Technical data sheets are available from Brady’s website. Easy label and sleeve design support is available via Brady Workstation apps that come with a 30-day free trial period. Simply select the apps you need after trying them. Features include adding text, symbols, serialisation, barcoding and more. Brady also offers technical support via customisable service agreements which can include on-site installation and setup of solutions, preventive main- tenance, training and fast response on top of a standard one-year warranty. increased adhesion between layers, as melt adheres to melt rather than extrudate, plus the inner layer is not exposed to the environment allowing contaminates between the layers. Additional features of this new crosshead include multi-port spiral flow, easy disassembly and restart, positive seals for leak elimination, adaptable to all extruder brands, maximum through-core of 1.75" and maximum die ID of 2", first layer fixed and second adjustable, the patented Guill Feather Touch concentricity adjustment, vacuum port and the ability to accept two extruders from the same side via the heated manifold assembly. Guill Tool & Engineering – USA Website : www.guill.com Brady Corporation – USA Website : www.bradyid.com
INDUSTRIES that work with large volumes of cables and are in need of cable traceability and identification can increase production efficiency with Brady Corporation’s complete and automated cable identification solutions. Cable sleeves and wraparound labels can be applied up to ten seconds faster with Brady’s automated cable identification solutions. The Wraptor A6500 can print and wrap a label around a cable in five seconds, saving time in cable production when traceability and iden- tification requirements need to be met. If identifying cables with sleeves, Brady can offer the BSP45 automated sleeve applicator to remove sleeves from the liner and apply them on a cable by activating a foot pedal. Sleeves can be printed with great accuracy and precision using the BradyPrinter i7100 or with the BBP72 sleeve printer to print both sleeve sides simultaneously. Dedicated wraparound labels and sleeves are available for maximum reliability when using Brady’s automated identification solutions. The labels and sleeves themselves are of high quality and Guill Tool has introduced the Series 725, a co-extrusion crosshead design for tray cable applications. With all stainless steel construction, Series 725 offers machine builders and end users many advantages, including the patented Guill Seal Right system of self-aligning tapered deflector and body design. Series 725 was developed by Guill engineering, in partnership with a customer, to convert a production line from a tandem line with two heads a distance apart into a co-extrusion line with a single head applying both layers of PVC in a single operation. The efficiency and improved profit potential from such a configuration is substantial, according to Guill. Other end-user benefits of this new
❍ The Wraptor A6500 from Brady
can resist challenging industrial environments. The B-472 self-laminating vinyl label offers abrasion, fuel, oil and outdoor
New extrusion head designed for tray cable
co-extrusion crosshead include a considerably shorter changeover time (one head is better than two, in this case), less scrap with a single head setup, improved product quality from the ❍ Guill Series 725 shown on portable crosshead stand with integral alignment swing gates to assist with disassembly and restart
Wire & Cable ASIA – January/February 2019
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