WCA January 2012
Technology news
From the FFT data, the Structural Return Loss (SRL) is determined and gives information about the expected attenuation of the RF signal during data transmission. The long measuring zone measures with high precision the average value of the capacitance. The avoidance of periodical changes of the cable is a precondition for an optimum attenuation characteristic, whereas the critical interval of the periods is the shorter the higher the targeted data transmission rate for the cable increases. multizone technology of the Capacitance 2000, as all parameters that influence quality (eg conductor diameter, foaming, outer diameter) are reflected in the capacitance. The accuracy is 0.1 pF per metre. At line speeds of up to 2,400m/min predictions of the Structural Return Loss of 3GHz, respectively 8GHz up to 1,300m/min are possible. In this way, the defined impedance of the cable can be reproduced accurately. The detection of periodical capacitance variations and the prediction of the Structural Return Loss (FFT and SRL) are available as special features directly at the measuring tube via a diagnosis interface. For displaying the measuring values Sikora offers the processor systems Remote 2000 as well as the Ecocontrol 600/1000/2000. The presentation of FFT and SRL is possible via the Ecocontrol 1000 or 2000. These periodical changes are determined by the
Sikora AG – Germany Fax : +49 421 489 0090 Email : sales@sikora.net Website : www.sikora.net
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