TPi September 2015
products & developments Water shut-off for home automation systems
Typically, the EBV105 receives its open and close commands through the wireless Z-Wave network. The toggled power button also opens and closes the valve. Although the device only requires 12V DC (1A) input, it has been mechanically geared with high torque and power to easily manage standard levered ball valves. The close and open cycle is a 90° turn that takes around ten seconds. A clutch release allows hand operation of the valve in case of power loss. Several valve sizes are supported, including the ½" and ¾" North American pipe standards. The EBV105 package includes the valve controller/motor, AC adapter, mounting bracket and quick user guide. Installation takes up to ten minutes, and no special tools or skills are required to install and configure the EBV100 water shut-off controller. EcoNet also offers EBV105 Starter Kits that include a SmartThings Hub and wireless water leak sensors. These preconfigured kits will automatically turn off the water to a home or business the instant a leak is detected. Multiple leak sensors are supported, and when any sensor detects a leak the valve is closed and a notification alert is sent to the user’s smartphone. The Non-Shrink tubing does not require a hot gun permit for installations, unlike heat shrink. The oval shape maximises grip, and there is no limit to the length of the idents or the number of characters. Driving all of these products is the Fox- in-A-Box ® thermal printer and Labacus Innovator ® software, which offers cross-ferruling functionality allowing two idents to be printed at the same time. Users can produce up to 100 labels in 34 seconds.
EcoNet Controls, a manufacturer of home automation devices and solutions, has introduced an automatic water shut- off controller. The EBV105 is simple to install over an existing levered ball valve, as no plumbing is required. The unit pairs as a standard Z-Wave Switch and is compatible with many home automation systems. It is easy to configure the device for automatic water shut-off to prevent water damage to a home or business. Any computer or smartphone can be used to control, manage and configure the certified Z-Wave device from anywhere Internet access is available.
EcoNet’s Z-Wave water shut-off
alerts can be customised depending on the location of the leak.
A typical installation would include a leak sensor in the laundry room, one by the kitchen sink/dishwasher and one by the hot water tank. The SmartThings Hub also supports hundreds of other home automation devices. The water shut-off controller and Starter Kits are available for purchase direct from EcoNet Controls. Discounts are available for qualified home automation distributors and installers.
EcoNet Controls – USA Expanded non-shrink tubing label range Easy installation, with no plumbing required Photo credit: PRNewsFoto/EcoNet Controls
Silver Fox tests its labels at recognised independent UKAS-certified test labo- ratories in compliance with a number of different MIL and other standards, and is ISO 9001:2008 registered. The company also offers three levels of software, all of which are downloadable from the Silver Fox website, for free trial. Developed in conjunction with engineers, these software solutions offer an array of time-saving options.
UK-based labelling solutions manu- facturer Silver Fox has announced new additions to its Legend Non-Shrink tubing range. Silver Fox now produces 2:1 sized tubing, which is suitable for labelling thin ‘bell’ wires, and has been designed with the data and telecoms industry in mind. All sizes of Non-Shrink tubing are now offered in light blue, for intrinsically safe installations, and in new standard pack sizes of two rolls.
Silver Fox – UK
Tube Products International September 2015
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