TPi October 2012
developments products &
Elektra 315 electrofusion welder and accessories
Electrofusion welder range expanded Ritmo SpA has added the new Elektra 315 electrofusion welder to the already wide range of Elektra machines. The range now includes four models: the compact and light Elektra Light, able to weld couplings up to Ø 125/160mm; and Elektra 315, Elektra 400 and Elektra 800, for welding diameters up to 315mm, 400mm and 800mm, respectively. 315mm, and is suitable for welding pipe/ fittings for the transport of gas and water, and for welding fire sprinkler systems (HDPE, PP, PP-R couplings from 8 to 48V). The machine is manufactured in compliance with the most important international standards.
adapters Ø 4 to 4.7mm. Elektra 315 has an intuitive control panel with a built-in memory that is capable of storing 500 welding cycles, allowing the possibility of transferring data to a PC/laptop using Ritmo Transfer Software. Reports can be also generated straight into PDF files.
The machine is supplied with an optical scanner barcode reading system that allows the automatic setting of the welding parameters, and with universal
ritmo spa – Italy
Elektra 315 is a universal electrofusion welder with a working range from 20 to
Tube PrOducTs InTernaTIOnal October 2012
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