TPi October 2010
news business & market
Metals firm wins energy conscious award
Bushwick Metals LLC, Bridgeport, Connecticut, is a distributor of carbon steel, high strength, low alloy steel, stainless steel and speciality products. The firm is an affiliate of Marmon/ Keystone LLC of Butler, Pennsylvania, a distributor of steel and aluminium tubular products. The Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund (CEEF) has presented Bushwick Metals with an incentive cheque of $14,067 for its participation in the Energy Conscious Blueprint programme.
installed in the roof. This lighting technique lessens the need for electrical lighting during the day. Even on overcast days, the light pipes replace the need for 25 400W metal halide fixtures. The light pipes will save Bushwick 33,375kWh annually, with an expected lifetime savings of 500,625kWh. Orion Energy Systems of Manitowoc, Wisconsin manufactured the lighting system.
this project, we also achieved a more efficient work area. Our employees overwhelmingly prefer working under the brighter natural light and this factor alone has increased productivity.” Bushwick Metals intends to pursue additional energy savingmeasures for the remainder of the facility, and is currently reviewing high efficiency lighting retrofit options for its existing high bay fixtures and additional light pipes for a second section of the facility.
Bushwick Metals installed 25 light pipes during a recent roof replacement, which offers ambient light to a portion of the warehouse at its facility. The light pipes are actually dome-shaped skylights Copper tube continues to shine “The new light pipes will not only help to reduce expenses at Bushwick, they also have a positive impact on the environment,” said John Schudy, director of operations, Bushwick Metals. “While it was the energy reduction and environmental benefits that drove
Marmon/Keystone LLC – USA
Bushwick Metals LLC – USA
Following the success of Yorkshire Copper Tube’s visit to PHEX in April, the company has signed up to the Manchester and Chelsea events. It will exhibit at Old Trafford on 13 and 14 October and at Stamford Bridge on
23 and 24 November, as part of its 60 th anniversary celebrations of successful manufacture in Kirkby, Liverpool.
the globe, will be showing its range of plain, plastic coated and special finish copper tube, which are suitable for diverse applications such as gas, water and sanitation systems. A team of Yorkshire’s expert technical staff will also be on hand to talk visitors about the benefits of using copper tube, and to answer any questions. There will also be competitions and giveaways during the exhibition, where installers will get the chance to win polo-shirts, fleeces, torches, tube cutters, umbrellas and more. Yorkshire Copper Tube combines advanced manufacturing methods and sophisticated quality control techniques to ensure that only consistently high standard tubes are supplied to customers. The company is a member of the KME Group of companies, which together represent Europe’s largest producer of copper and copper alloy materials. All of Yorkshire’s copper tubes carry the British Kitemark, and the company’s quality management system is BS EN 9001 approved.
The copper tubing specialist, which supplies products to companies across
Uncoated coils from Yorkshire Copper Tube
Yorkshire Copper Tube – UK
Tube Products International October 2010
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