TPi November 2016
Pipel ine inspect ion
Video inspection of small drain lines Even routine jobs may conceal unpredictable issues that extend work times for the plumber and pose an inconvenience for the customer. A blockage, for example, indicates a probable pipe breakage of which the full-blown effects become evident once the obstruction has been removed. The significance of such warning signs can be assessed with the aid of a video inspection camera system. updated free of charge, enables data to be monitored and managed on the work site by connecting the equipment to a PC. Reports, which can include confidential remarks not visible to the customer, can then be exported to a CD or USB memory stick. The 235MB internal memory can store more than 2,000 photographs. Images and videos can be stored on the 4GB SD card that is included with the micro CA-300 camera and transferred via the USB port to a computer.
When re-laying the drains of a home, using this equipment on the pipes and storing the recorded video provides proof, in the event of a complaint, that the job was done properly. This is useful, especially when the drains are installed prior to other jobs during which paints or debris, caused by accidents or negligence, might enter. After the video inspection job is done, a report can be sent to the customer. Inconvenience can be further reduced by combining the camera with a locator that will pinpoint the exact location where the pipe needs repair, avoiding unnecessary additional construction works or even accidental damage to the piping. The Ridgid ® SeeSnake ® microDrain™ inspection system is a portable pipe inspection diagnostic reel and camera with a 20m push cable, combined with a handheld Ridgid micro CA-300 digital inspection camera monitor with a 3.5" colour LCD screen. The product range includes different versions of reels, depending mainly on the push cable length and camera diameter. The pushrod inner drum is removable and interchangeable, and is compatible with all other SeeSnake microReel or nanoReel models. There is no risk of rust or accidental breaks as there are no weld lines. Drain lines from 32 to 100mm can be easily inspected with the SeeSnake microDrain inspection system. The camera can pass multiple turns and 90° bends from 40mm upwards with no need to dismantle them. The Ridgid Navitrack Scout ® locator is able to trace the pipeline and precisely detect the signal of a sonde (transmitter) to see where assessment or service is needed inside the pipe. The SeeSnake HQ software, which is supplied with the SeeSnake equipment and can be
Ridge Tool Company – USA
Using the arrow keys, the image can be enlarged as required for optimal viewing
The range includes three different types of reels, to suit the size of the pipe to be inspected
The camera monitor has a headset with an integrated microphone for recording audio commentaries on the videos
November 2016 Tube Products International
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