TPi November 2016
products & developments
Saw technology from framag For framag, a saw manufacturer from Frankenburg, Austria, the requirements of ThyssenKrupp Rothe Erde GmbH were clear: an old sawing system had to be replaced and the new saw needed to be integrated in the existing production line. The goal was to achieve a high level of process reliability and a good cutting result on quenched and tempered steels (eg 42CrMo4) and construction steels.
commissioning were also carried out extremely professionally. The agreed acceptance criteria were met without any problems.”
framag Industrieanlagenbau GmbH – Austria
Using state-of-the-art technology, framag engineered a KKS 1600 cold circular saw that cuts round materials with a diameter up to 600mm and a length of 6,000 to 10,000mm precisely and reliably (out-of-roundness up to 1.5 per cent). A special three-point clamping device, combined with a table height adjustment system, supports the material during cutting. The newly developed hydraulic saw blade damping patented by framag improves the smooth running of the saw blade, which also has a positive effect on the blade’s service life. The cut becomes more even overall, with a minimal cut gap. “framag is a competent partner. The communication in the project phase was very good and all our requirements were met to our complete satisfaction,” said H Tschich (Dr Ing) from ThyssenKrupp Rothe Erde. “The installation and
KKS 1600 cold circular saw with control panel
Inflow preventer meets AWWA standard
Val-Matic’s FloodSafe ® inflow preventer meets the new AWWA standard C514-15 – ‘Air Valve and Vent Inflow Preventer Assemblies for Potable Water Distribution System and Storage Facilities’. This first edition standard describes 1" to 12" air valve and vent inflow preventer assemblies
designed for use on the outlet of potable water distribution systems air valves furnished in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C512 or storage facility vent pipes. Val-Matic has showcased this product in its video, ‘Making Your System Safe with the Val-Matic FloodSafe’, available on the company’s YouTube channel.
Special pipes and components ready for installation
For more than 235 years BUTTING has been supporting the customers with its skill an innovations.
BUTTING Group Germany · Brazil · Canada · China Peter Franz
Phone: +49 5834 50-225
For you we produce special pipes with tight tolerances on form and positon
and special surface conditions. Together with you, we develop
Val-Matic Valve & Manufacturing corp – USA
individual solutions for special pipes and components ready for installation.
Progress by Tradition!
A cutaway view of the Val-Matic FloodSafe inflow preventer
November 2016 Tube ProducTs INTerNaTIoNal
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