TPi May 2018
OCTG, gas & pipel ine products
Bibby Subsea delivers shell pipeline agreement
Bibby Offshore’s Houston, USA-based division, Bibby Subsea, has completed a significant contract with Shell Pipeline, a subsidiary of Shell Oil US. Through its strategic alliance with US diving company Aqueos Corporation, Bibby Subsea completed the subsea decommissioning project in the Gulf of Mexico, utilising its diving support vessel Bibby Sapphire . For the 16-day campaign the Bibby Sapphire was equipped with an SMD Quasar work class ROV to disconnect a previously decommissioned 8" oil export pipeline from a hot tap tee installed on the Amberjack Pipeline. The team was also tasked with removing the connecting subsea tie- in assembly, 353 feet below sea level. Bibby Subsea president and managing director Fraser Moonie said, “Securing this contract was a direct result of our strategic alliance with Aqueos, and we are delighted to have been selected to execute this project; it is an example of the commitment and capability that
Fraser Moonie, Bibby Subsea’s president and managing director
client and contract base, including project management, engineering, procurement and subsea intervention services to construct, maintain and extend the life of subsea oil fields.
the teams possess, and builds on completed work from earlier this year.” Bibby Offshore is a provider of subsea installation and IRM services to the offshore oil and gas industry. The company offers an integrated service portfolio to a diversified
Bibby Offshore Ltd – UK
Quick-assembly connection for offshore production
challenging climatic conditions. During the tests, the mechanical properties of all the connection’s structural components were confirmed and its connector welding procedures were qualified. Multiple assembly strength tests were performed under the connection’s own weight, and an extensive series of static tests were conducted on torsion, tension, compression, and static and cyclic bending. The connection demonstrated its performance, providing 100 per cent tightness at extreme combined loads. TMK manufactures and supplies steel pipes for oil and gas industry, operating 27 production sites in the USA, Russia, Canada, Romania, Oman
TMK, a producer of tubular products for the oil and gas industry, has completed testing of the proprietary TMK UP Katran premium connection under the Gazprom Scientific and Research Institute of Natural Gases and Gas Technologies (Gazprom VNIIGAZ) programme. The tests were conducted at the Krylov State Research Center. TМK UP Katran is a quick-assembly, high-torque connection used for 508 to 914mm (20" to 36") casing assemblies. The connection has been developed entirely by TMK, and is said to be the first 100 per cent Russian product of its kind. The Katran is the only connection that can be used in all Russian offshore projects at any depth and in the most
and Kazakhstan, and with two R&D centres in Russia and the USA. TМK – Russia
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