TPi May 2017
news business & market
PolyTest system on-site inspection of a butt fusion joint in service
PE pipeline integrity testing service launches in North America
After the joints have been inspected the system generates the results, providing a permanent record of joint integrity. PolyTest complies with the require- ments of ASTM E3044, ASME BPVC Section III Appendix XXVI and EN 13100-3, giving the end user increased confidence in the integrity of PE joints within their pipelines. TWI Ltd – UK Team, Inc – USA
PolyTest is supported by procedures to enable detection of all types of flaw that can occur in PE pipe joints, including planar flaws, particulate contamination and cold fusions. It is backed up by extensive perfor- mance testing to determine the accept- ance criteria that should be applied. The self-contained system is fully portable, allowing in-trench inspections, and incorporates a simple scanner to accommodate pipes with outside diameters from 4" to 40" and wall thickness from 0.3" to 2.5". It can also be adapted for pipes outside these ranges.
TWI has partnered with Team Qualspec, a provider of services related to the maintenance, inspection and construction of mechanical and piping systems, to supply the PolyTest service to the North American market. PolyTest is a new field inspection sys- tem specifically designed for volumetric non-destructive testing of butt fusion and electrofusion joints in polyethylene (PE) pipes. It has been used in a wide range of pipeline industries including gas, water, offshore oil, mining and nuclear since it was developed by TWI, with the support of NYSEARCH, a collaborative RD&D sub-organisation of the Northeast Gas Association.
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