business & market news
Tube Products International May 2015
www.read-tpi.comEuropean Plastics Distributors Association
highlights membership benefits
The European Plastics Distributors
Association (EPDA), which represents
members from more than 20 countries
throughout Europe, has launched an
international promotional campaign to
highlight the benefits of joining.
The association, which was formed in
1973, represents companies involved in
a cross section of distribution activities
encompassing plastic sheet, blocks,
rods, profiles, tubes, pipe, valves,
fittings and numerous related activities.
To drive forward the campaign, EPDA
has made a number of external
appointments to manage the work,
comprising an international events
management company and a European
PR agency. As part of the changes, a
programme of membership activities
is being developed, the highlight of
which will be a three-day conference
in Barcelona in June. The event will
include international keynote speakers,
networking and socialising activities.
A major manufacturing plant visit
for members is also planned in the
autumn to showcase some of the latest
advances in plastic manufacturing. One
of the key targets for membership is the
next generation of young leaders, and
these are being targeted through an
integrated PR and marketing campaign,
following the appointment of a specialist
business-to-business agency. EPDA is
keen to also highlight the technical know-
how and publications available from the
publishing and resource library that was
established to support members. The
association has also formed an alliance
agreement with the IAPD (International
Association of Plastics Distribution),
which provides members with access to
IAPD resources – including educational
and training support as well as helpful
documents – at a preferential pay-as-
you-go rate.
European Plastics Distribution
– UK
info@epda.com www.epda.comCombined expertise around steel tube
From rollforming to testing and sawing
to a smooth transport system and
everything from one source. That
was the aim for companies Dreistern,
Trumpf, Sema Systemtechnik, Foerster,
RSA, Wafios, Fehr, Scheffer and Kluthe
at the Tube Innovation Days. Taking
place at the RSA showroom in Kunshan,
near Shanghai, China, customers and
interested parties were able to ask for
comprehensive advice on the whole
process chain of the manufacture and
processing of tubes.
The steel tube industry is growing
worldwide at a rapid rate and China, the
world’s largest steel tube producer, has
a market share of more than 50 per cent
with a high export share. In particular,
the export to Western countries with the
related standards calls for a high quality
of tubes. To meet these demands,
efficient and competent partners are
needed. Therefore, it was logical for
all parties involved that the first Tube
Innovation Days took place in China.
Nine high-tech German companies
combined their expertise at the event
and this specialist network guarantees
the customer an optimum design of its
production and processing.
From the first to the last stage the
customer benefits not only from the
core competence of the individual
companies but also from their close
collaboration: individual processes and
interfaces are coordinated for the entire
production chain. This means that the
customer gets a solution that is tailored
to its requirements throughout the entire
– Germany
www.rsa.deNine leading German companies took part in the Tube Innovation Days