Welcome to the latest issue of Tube Products
International. In this month’s magazine we have
features on stainless steel tubes, OCTG & pipe-
line products, and we take a look at Valve World
Americas, which is taking place in Houston, USA.
We also have an extended article on dismantling
joints by Engineering Piping Products.
It has been a tough year for the UK oil and gas
industry with the steady reduction in the price of
oil, which has led to a reduction in investment and
sadly a loss of jobs. So it was good to finally see
some significant tax breaks for the industry in the
recent government budget, which will hopefully
offer companies and workers the boost they need
at a difficult time. On a more positive note, millions
of barrels of oil have been unearthed close to
Gatwick airport in the south of England, which
should result in further investment and a strong
long-term future for the UK oil and gas industry.
Next issue will have features on materials
handling & logistics, extruded tube, GRP & fibre
glass pipes, plumbing and heating and we take a
look at the Tube Southeast Asia trade show. I will
be attending it for the first time this year so I am
looking forward to meeting some of our readers
from Asia and visiting one of the most vibrant
cities in Southeast Asia.
The deadline for editorial for the July issue is
14 May so please send any stories, features or
case studies you would like to be considered for
publication to:
rory@intras.co.uk.The advertising
deadline is 29 May.
I hope you enjoy the magazine.
See you again next issue.
20-22 May
Made In Steel
(Milan, Italy)
International Exhibition
www.madeinsteel.it2-4 June
(Moscow, Russia)
International Exhibition
www.citypipe.ru8-11 June
Tube Russia
(Moscow, Russia)
International Exhibition
www.metallurgy-tube-russia.com16-18 June
Guangzhou Julang
International Exhibition
www.tubechina-gz.com15-16 July
Valve World Americas
(Houston, USA)
International Exhibition
www.valveworldexpo.com16-18 September
Tube Southeast Asia
(Bangkok, Thailand)
International Exhibition
www.tube-southeastasia.com5-10 October
(Milan, Italy)
International Exhibition
www.emo-milano.com6-8 October
(São Paulo, Brazil)
International Exhibition
www.tubotech.com.br9-12 November
(Chicago, USA)
International Exhibition
events calendar
The May issue
Rory McBride
The trademagazine for tube and pipe products
www.read-tpi.comMay 2015
tonsof fIttInGs
www.starofit.de info@starofit.de