George R Brown Convention Center
Houston, TX 77010, USA
Opening times
9.00am to 5.00pm
Messe Düsseldorf North America
150 North Michigan Avenue,
Suite 2920, Chicago, IL 60601, USA
Tel: +1 312 781 5180
Fax: +1 312 781 5188
info@mdna.comAfter a successful second show
in 2013, Valve World Americas
Expo and Conference will return
to sunny Houston in July 2015.
The last two events earned rave
reviews from the industry, featuring
the latest technology from around
100 international exhibitors and
thousands of visitors. The event
takes place in downtown Houston
at the George R Brown Convention
Center. This conference with an
exhibition component will be a
collaboration between Messe
Düsseldorf and KCI Publishing.
Both already cooperate for the Valve
World Expo held in Düsseldorf,
Germany, every two years and will
use their expertise to develop Valve
World Americas Expo & Conference
into a leading event for the industry
in North and South America.
Expo & Conference
15-16 July 2015