Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal May 2015
www.read-tpi.comproducts & developments
Coolant for the pipe threading process
For some pipe manufacturers, annual
threading tool costs can be ten times
more than the annual costs of the
coolant. Quaker Chemical Corporation
has addressed this issue with
750 TP.
Optimal for the threading process, this
metalworking coolant fluid is a mineral
oil-free micro-emulsion.
Benefits include lubrication, short-term
corrosion protection, clean rinsing,
and a wide water quality tolerance.
The coolant effectively resists micro-
biological growth and does not contain
chlorinated compounds, formaldehyde
release agents, boron, monoethanola-
mine or secondary amines.
A major OCTG pipe producer wished
to lower its operating costs while at
the same time improving its threading
quality and cutting insert wear. Quaker
worked closely with the customer to
gain efficiencies on the tooling costs,
which are often the most expensive
part of the threading operation. After
incorporating the Quakercool 750 TP
metalworking coolant fluid into the
threading process, the results were up
to 30 per cent increased tool insert life
used for the pipe threading operations;
decreased downtime due to longer tool
use; and a reduction in cost per joint.
Quaker offers metalworking process
fluids and coatings for each stage of the
tube and pipe manufacturing process,
designing fluid solutions to work with
‘front-to-back’ compatibility in mind.
Quakercool 750 TP has the additional
feature of integrating well with upstream
chemistries and downstream protective
pipe coatings. Whether the coating
is UV, water based or solvent based,
incompatibility between the coolant and
coating can adversely impact adhesion
and corrosion protection in tube and
pipe manufacturing. Quakercool 750 TP
was developed to avoid the ‘orange peel’
incompatibility appearance experienced
with some coolants on pipe surfaces.
Quaker chemical corp
info@quakerchem.com www.quakerchem.comCoating comparison: no coolant vs Quakercool 750 TP coolant
No coolant vs competitive coolant
NDT solutions for flaws detection
Contrôle Mesure Systèmes (CMS)
is a specialist in non-destructive
testing. With a complete range of
NDT products using eddy current and
ultrasonic methods, the company can
supply solutions for most industrial
CMS’s product line is designed to
meet inspection, testing and quality
control on both ferrous and non-ferrous
products, including steel, copper,
alloys, carbon steel, stainless steel and
Applications in tube, bar, pipe and
wire inspection include surface flaw
detection by RotoETscan eddy current
rotating head; internal and dimensional
flawdetection by RotoUTscan ultrasonic
rotating head; tube inspection with
product in rotation; full body and/
or weld of welded tube inspection;
full body and/or ends of non-welded
tube inspection; and heat treatment,
hardness, coating verification and
CMS systems are also available for
automotive parts inspection (including
the close inspection of pistons, tie
rods, brake discs, wheels, gears and
cylindrical parts), as well as for specific
parts inspection, plates and sheets,
and composite parts (such as junction
tube inspection, defect detection
on double wall tubes, conductivity
measurement on plate, and thread and
tapping inspection). All of the systems
(on-line and/or off-line) meet strict
quality standards such as API, ASTM
and DIN.
contrôle Mesure systèmes
– France
contactcms@cmseddyscan.com www.cmseddyscan.comTitanium tube inspection