May 2015 Tube Products International
business & market news
TubItaly 2015
TubItaly 2015 will take place from 20 to
22 May at the fairgrounds of Piacenza
Expo, Italy. After positive results of
the first event, TubItaly has set more
ambitious targets to further establish
the importance of a sector with a strong
international character.
The event will show the best of tubes,
valves, rods, pipes, profiles and
technologies for their production and
processing. The slogan chosen for
this year’s promotional event, ‘Piping
all forms of energy, we nourish life’,
emphasises the fundamental role of
pipes and pipelines and everything
that turns around them; travelling
underground or hundreds of metres
below sea level, they transport the
resources that are part of our everyday
life, such as water, gas or oil.
The decision to bring the event forward
to May will allow TubItaly visitors to
take advantage of another exhibition:
EXPO 2015. With close proximity to
Milan, TubItaly will benefit from the
strong international appeal of EXPO,
and this will help to increase the
number of visitors to the exhibition
in Piacenza in order to find the main
players in the sector of tubes, pipes
and profiles.
The exhibition is supported by
Federacciai, Istituto Italiano del Rame,
Fondazione Promozione Acciaio, and
Piacenza Expo SpA
– Italy
commerciale@piacenzaexpo.it www.tubitaly.itMexican spiral pipe manufacturer
Schuler has received a major order
for delivery of a spiral pipe machine,
from a manufacturer of steel pipes in
Mexico. Tuberías Procarsa will use the
off-line machine to produce large pipes
with diameters from 508 to 2,235mm
(20" to 88") and lengths from 12 to
24.4m. The pipes will mainly be used
for building pipelines in oil and gas
The input stock for the large pipes
is a coil-wound strip up to 25.4mm
(1") thick, comprising high-grade steel
(up to X100). The spiral pipe machine
forms this material into the required pipe
diameter and connects the edges by
tack welding.
Schuler AG
– Germany