TPi March 2019
Plastic & composite tubes
Growing global market for polyethylene pipes Market researchers at Ceresana have already examined the global plastic pipes market several times but, for the first time, the research team is presenting a separate market study and forecast for polyethylene pipes. The global demand for PE pipes is likely to increase by 4.3 per cent per year until 2025.
pipes are used. PE pipes are increasingly replacing pipes made of steel or stone- ware, and in some segments also pipes made of other plastics. However, this trend is being overshadowed by current economic developments: political uncer- tainties, decreasing public expenditure, or missing private investments can have effects on the construction industry and the pipe market. Ceresana – Germany
oil pipelines, and industrial pipelines, for example for the transportation of chemi- cals. Distinction is made between cross- linking processes that utilise peroxides (PE-Xa), silanes (PE-Xb), and radiation (PE-Xc). Cross-linking increases tempera- ture resistance and stability compared to standard PE. The fact that polyethylene is flexible and can be welded as well as processed into coiled pipes is important for the manufacturing of pipes. For heat- ing and cooling applications, PE-X and PE-RT as well as multi-layer composite
Polyethylene potable water pipes are resistant to inorganic acids, salt solutions and alkaline solutions; they are also temperature-resistant. In contrast to metal pipes, PE pipes are suitable for all water qualities: they are not susceptible to corrosion and do not release metal ions into drinking water. The legal requirements for potable water pipelines are often very high. Especially in developed industrial countries, PE pipes and PE multi-layer pipes in the potable water segment are therefore gaining market share from PVC pipes, for example for house con- nection pipes. For floor distribution, pipes made of cross-linked polyethyl- ene (PE-X) or polybutene (PB) are now often used. Risers and cellar distribution pipes are typical application areas for composite pipes made of PE-X and aluminium. In the cable protection segment, PE pipes can often gain market share at the expense of PVC. Particularly in the case of broadband expansion and the laying of new fibre optic cables, more PE pipes are likely to be used than PVC pipes. A distinction has to be made between various pipe types, such as fibre optic protective pipes, microtubes or cable conduits. In the cable protection segment, global demand for PE pipes is expected to increase by around 4.8 per cent per year by 2025. Non-conventional installation tech- niques in particular make use of special- ity piping materials, such as PE-100-RC that is resistant to cracks or PE pipes with increased temperature resistance (PE- RT). In pressure pipes, PE-X is increas- ingly replacing steel and copper, and is suitable for a wide temperature range (-40°C to +60°C). The material is used for hot and cold water pipes, heating and cooling applications, and thermal activation in particular. Further applica- tion areas are car manufacturing, gas and
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