TPi March 2019
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TiTanium Tubes and Powders, masTer alloys
Our Seamless Titanium Tubes, High Purity Titanium Powders and Master Alloys are globally recognised for outstanding performance in critical aerospace and medical applications. Products include seamless Titanium Tubes up to 45mm (1 5 / 8 in) OD, Hydride/Dehydride (HDH) CP Ti and Ti 6/4 Powders, Master Alloys for Titanium and Superalloy melting.
seamless TiTanium Tubes Ti CP (Grade 1) Ti CP (Grade 2) Ti 6Al/4V (Grade 5) Ti 3Al/2.5V (Grade 9)
HigH PuriTy Hydride-deHydride TiTanium Powders and CoaTings • Thermal Spray/Medical Powders - Ti Sponge, CP Ti, and Ti 6Al/4V • Ti Powders for Powder Metallurgy (P/M) applications • Ti Powders for sputtering targets • Advanced Coating Alloys Al/Cr, Al/Co, CODEP
masTer alloys Vanadium, Molybdenum, Niobium, Chrome, Multi-Component, custom Master Alloys upon request
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