TPi March 2014
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Steel pipe producer
QUEINS Spirally welded pipes produced by Bender-Ferndorf are ‘round by nature’ throughout their whole length, not needing any re-calibration, due to the specific processing. The most important fields of application are oil and gas pipelines and gas storage; water pipelines; piles and construction pipes; dredging and scouring pipes; and pipes for long-distance heating utility companies. The company’s pipes are coated in customer-specific ways on request, either as external coating with polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), fibre cement and GPR coating, or as internal lining with cement mortar and epoxy resin coating. Other coating methods are als available. The basic pipe product is supplemented by numerous system components such as fittings, end finishes and customer-specific steel attachments. In cooperation with shipping partners, Bender-Ferndorf offers a logistic chain right to the tacking at the construction site that is pinpointed and on-schedule. External diameters range from 508 to 1,828.8mm; wall thicknesses from 6 to 25.4mm; and lengths from 6 to 36m. Steel grades are used from P235/API Gr B to L555MB/X80. The pipes pass automated testing and checking stations throughout the whole production phase, including ultrasonic checking, water pressure test, X-ray, and visual final check, as well as spectral analyses. DWT tests are available at the request of the customer. Since December 2012 the company has provided material testing in its own accredited quality laboratory. QUEINSMachinesGmbH Hans-Georg-Weiss-Str.12 52156Monschau Germany Hi- Engineered Tubes & Sections Hi-Engineered Tubes & Sections Quality –Know-how – Innovation – Service Tel. +492472 -8080 Fax. +492472 -3014 Generationsof experience in manufacturing machines for • powercable • communicationcable continuously transposedcable (CTC) • umbilicals • specialcable • steel ropes • Katalog_2012.indd 1 Umschlag_aussen_Wire2012.indd 1 Nomatterwhat the future challengesare, customers ofvoestalpineKremshavea reliablepartneron their side.The largeassortment ofavailable cross-sections, lengthsandmaterialgrades inVHPhollow sectionsandERWprecision tubesguarantees fulfillment of all specific customer requirements. Hall3,StandC18 COMPONENTSFORAUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY . MECHANICALENGINEERING . INDUSTRIALEQUIPMENT . HYDRAULIC+PNEUMATICSYSTEMS *) Precision Steel Tubes. voestalpineRotec Hall 3,StandC18 voestalpineKremsGmbH Anz_Edelstahl.indd 1 Umschlag_aussen_Tube2012.indd 1 For almost 100 years, Bender-Ferndorf has produced steel pipes for various applications at its headquarters in Ferndorf, Germany. It produces around 120,000 tons of pipes per annum in various diameters, wall thicknesses and lengths. Worldwide delivery is ensured through modern logistics.
1 Maschinen zur Drahtherstellung und Veredelung Exhibiting at wire/Tube Düsseldorf ?
1.6.5 Schneiden Make yourself visible and publish your company profile, products and services in the official catalogue and online database!
1 Maschinen zur Drahtherstellung und Veredelung
1 Maschinen zur Drahtherstellung und Veredelung
1.6.5 Schneiden
1.6.5 Schneiden
wire 2012
26 –30 March 2012 join the best
Düsseldorf,Germany InternationalWire and Cable Trade Fair Internationale Fachmesse Draht und Kabel
Fastener Technology
Spring Making
Wire,Cable, FibreOptic, WireProducts
MASCHINENFABRIKNIEHOFFGmbH&Co.KG Fürther Straße30 · D-91126 Schwabach,Germany Telefon0 9122 / 977-0 · Telefax 091 22 /977-155
Katalog Catalogue
HALLE 10 Stand 10C18 BesuchenSieuns.Halle04Stand F30 e s. ale 3 StandB49
06.02.12 16:02 21.02.2012 09:45:10
wir1202_01199.indd 1
11.01.12 15:08
Tube 2012
3MillionenTeileab Lager. IndividuelleFertigung. QualitätundService seit 1974.
join the best
Düsseldorf,Germany International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair Internationale Rohr-Fachmesse 26 –30 March 2012
Plant and Machinery
Pipe andTubePro- cessingMachinery
TubeTrading and Manufacturing
Bending and FormingTechnology
EdelstahlserviceGmbHSulz Gottlieb-Daimler-Str.6 D-72172SulzamNeckar Tel +497454.9680-0 Fax+497454.9680-90 Sulz | Borna | Düsseldorf | Norderstedt | Potsdam | Stuttgart
Industry Partner Ideeller Träger:
Katalog Catalogue
17.02.2012 15:03:00
tub1202_01101.indd 1
20.02.2012 15:59:34
02.02.12 14:33
Our team will be pleased to inform you of your entry options in the official trade fair catalogue of wire/Tube 2014!
bender-Ferndorf rohr GmbH – Germany
NEurEutEr Fair MEdia Office Essen Westendstr. 1 45143 Essen/Germany
Contact: Phone +49.201.36547-208/207 Fax +49.201.36547-325 Email:
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